“Yeah, you too,” he replies in a clipped tone. He eyes me cautiously, not looking comfortable at all. I hope that we can overcome that as we work together, if Fern keeps to her promise of building a connection between us. “I just came to check in on you, Fern, to see if you are doing okay. I have been worried about you.”
“You have?”She darts her eyes between us anxiously, not enjoying the tension flooding the room at all,, giving me something new to worry about. I have been so panicked about Roddrur that I didn’t even think of the possibility of wolves being in the mix as well. Jace is even more of a rival because he’s a wolf. I can see it written all over her face that she really likes him.
“Well, of course. We can’t let Nightshade Hunters hurt you like that.”
“That’s why I’m here protecting her,” I jump in. “I don’t want anything bad happening to her either.”
“Why don’t we do that together?” He smiles, or maybe smirks, at me. “We can all work to protect Fern while taking down these asshole wolves, because I am sick of them ruining our town.”
Fern nods in agreement, leaving me with very little choice but to agree. I suppose it’ll be better for us all to work together, but it makes me nervous when it comes to Fern and me. Where do I even stand with her? And do I even have a say in the matter?
It’s complicated already, just what I didn’t want.
Fuck this.This stupid recon mission is getting us nowhere. While we are trying to seek out information, on Echo’s orders, cocaine and fentanyl use is getting worse by the moment. I’ve heard stories of kids struggling with their new addictions and not going to the hospital because they are too afraid they’ll be reported to their parents and police. And why would they? It seems like no one really cares about what is important here. It’s really sad. More deaths are inevitable at this point.
Why is Echo so blind to this? Why doesn’t he seem to understand that us patrolling the streets, while trying not to let the Nightshade Huntersknowwe are patrolling the streets, isn’t the solution? It’s honestly infuriating.
I need to reach out to the one person who seems to be on the same side as me. I don’t know him too well, but I think it’s time to remedy that. I’m going to have to contact Jace.
As I scroll through my contacts, I can’t help but notice Fern’s name. I wish she’d reach out to me. Seeing her again ignited a passion in me that I didn’t know was there anymore. I want her to reach out to me so I can talk to her about the Nightshade Hunters, and maybe to ask her out on a date.
I shake my head hard, ridding my brain of that thought. This is not the time to get distracted. I really can’t afford it.
I get to Jace’s name and dial his number. It’s a little nerve wracking actually, because if I make a wrong move here, and Jace isn’t who I think he is, he can get me in all kinds of trouble with Echo.
“Slane?” He sounds surprised to hear from me. “How are you?”
“Good, thanks. I just wanted to have a quick chat with you, if you have time.”
“Sure. I’m at Fern’s place right now, but she’s about to head to work, so…”
“Fern?” I probably shouldn’t have snapped like that, but I was so surprised to hear her name. And that he was with her. “I didn’t know you were friends with Fern.”
Or more. That makes my gut twist up angrily. Here I am, foolishly daydreaming about someone I haven’t seen in years, other than a random run-in at the supermarket, and there is Jace, actually in her home.
“Yeah, I will fill you in when I see you. Coffee shop?”
“Yeah, sure.” I gulp, not quite sure if this is a good idea now. “See you soon.”
There is only one worthwhile coffee shop in town, so I know where to go. I’m not sure how I’m going to keep our conversation all about work when Fern is all I can think of.
I walk briskly toward the nearest coffee shop. It isn’t quite a jog, because I’m not that eager to get there, but I also can’t slow down with the thoughts racing through my brain. Images of Fern and Jace together are making this so much worse.
This is all my fault. I should have reached out to Fern the first chance I got. I don’t know how long she and Jace have been a thing, but if I had just shown her that I was interested, maybe everything would be different. Maybe I would be the one with her now.
My heart is practically broken by the time I reach the coffee shop. I don’t think there’s a chance in hell of lifting my spirits now. I just have to try to hold it together while Jace and I discuss business.
“Phew, what a shit show.” Jace is here before I even realize, leaning back in the chair opposite me and calling over the waitress. It’s supposed to be counter service, but I suppose if you’re the good-looking bad boy that Jace is, you can do whatever the hell you want. “Glad you reached out. I need to talk to someone who’s on the same page as me.”
“Right, yeah.” It’s hard to switch to work mode, but it’s better than thinking about him and Fern together. “I’m getting pretty sick of all of this. It’s been weeks since we had that first meeting with Echo about the Nightshade Hunters, and nothing has changed. We’re still just patrolling the streets. It’s dumb. I know we need to take the cops in to consideration so that arrests can be made, but this…”
“Sucks,” he finishes for me. “I know. I really think we need to take action. Especially because people are being targeted now. Like Fern. The Nightshade Hunters are after her for sure.”
My heart skips a beat. God damn it, why can’t I stop reacting to her? “Fern?”