Page 23 of Always Him

He clears his throat. “Yeah. I’m fine. Go back to bed. I’ll be there in a bit.”

But I don’t move. I just stand there, hovering on the other side of the door, listening as the sink faucet turns on and he moves about the bathroom. When the door finally swings open, he nearly mows me over.

He clutches onto my hips, steadying me. “Jesus, Landon. Why are you hovering in the dark?”

“I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

He runs a hand through his hair and eyes me. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.”

I fiddle with the waistband of his boxers as I stare up at him. “You locked the door.”

“Yeah, well, I wanted some privacy,” he tells me before sweeping me up into his arms and carrying me back to the bedroom.

He sets me on the edge of the bed, carefully takes my prosthetic off, and then tucks me beneath the sheets. He crawls over to me, a sigh escaping him as he pulls me against his chest.

But I’m not ready for this conversation to be over. Something was wrong in there. I could tell. I could feel it.

“What did you want privacy for? I mean, you’ve literally helped me wipe my ass before….”

He doesn’t answer and I lean up on my elbow, glancing down at him. His hand automatically sweeps into my hair, tugging on it gently.

“What are the chances of you letting this go?”

“Um, I’d say slim to none, but that would be a lie. I’m holding on for dear life.”

“Fuck. Fine. I have needs, okay? I just needed to…get off. It’s been a while.”

I blink and then blink some more because…I didn’t even think of that.


“Yeah.Oh,” Finn repeats and then tries to push my head back onto his chest, but I’m stronger than I look. I keep my neck straight and my arms locked. I’m a motherfucking giraffe.

“When’s the last time you had sex?” I ask, my finger running along the edge of his nipple. It hardens beneath my touch.

“Not telling you that.”

“But we tell each other everything,” I say as I run my finger up his neck and across his jaw. It’s a little stubbly. He hasn’t shaved in a few days. I love that look on him. He’s so fucking handsome.

“Yeah, well, it’s irrelevant.”

“But I want to know.”

“I know you do. You’re insatiable. But I’m not disclosing that shit, Landon. Some things have to remain private and that’s my business.”

Fuck, that kind of hurts my feelings a little. Because since when ishisshit notmyshit?

“Well, I haven’t had sex since before the accident,” I reveal, hoping he’ll give me something. But he doesn’t. He just stares at me, his hand massaging my scalp.

I brush my finger over his bottom lip and press against it. It’s soft and warm and I want to lean down and press my lips to his.

“We both really need to find someone to fuck around with.”

He lets out a breath and his hand slips from my hair, falling onto the bed beside me.

“Yeah, Landon. We can do that. But can we fucking sleep first? I’m tired.”

I slide my finger across his bottom lip once more and then tuck myself into his side.