Page 24 of Always Him

“Yeah. Okay, but I know you’ll tell me your secrets eventually. I have my ways.”

“Yeah, fucking try me,” he mutters.

I fling my leg over his and my arm snakes around his waist.

“I’ll try you, Finn. I’ll try you so fucking hard.”

He mutters a curse as my eyes close and a small smirk lifts up the corner of my mouth as I drift off to sleep.




I pullmyself out of the pool and sit on the edge of it, my legs dangling in the water, my chest heaving from exertion. Swimming like this is harder than it looks. Logan is helping me perfect the strokes I need to be able to join the swim team this year and he’s also helping me improve my time. The school’s coach is allowing me to try out for the team and I think I have a shot. Maybe.

Actually, I don’t really know if I do or not.


“You’re doing good, dude,” Logan says as he pulls himself out of the pool. He shakes his hair out and then glances back at me. “Gotta pee though. You want a drink or something?”

“Sure. Water.”

“Cool. Be back,” Logan says, grabbing a towel and slinging it over his shoulders before moving toward the bathrooms.

I glance around the public pool and note a few people lingering. There aren’t many though, which makes it easier for me. Fewer people in my way when I’m flying across the pool. I lean back on my hands and tilt my head back, soaking up the rays. It’s September and still a little warm out. Gotta catch the sun while it’s still shining.

“Hey, Finn,” a familiar voice says to my right, and I squint up at Landon who is standing next to me in only his swim trunks.

I immediately divert my eyes because he has no shirt on and it’s making me feel funny.

“Logan texted and told me you guys were here practicing for your tryouts. Can I join?”

I shrug, trying my best to ignore him. But it’s impossible. I can’t keep my eyes off him. It’s been two weeks and these feelings haven’t disappeared. They’ve only grown. I don’t know what to do about them.

I am trying like hell to do what my dad does with pretty much everything—ignore it until it disappears.

Doesn’t seem to be working well though.

A splash has me opening my eyes and peering into the pool. I see Landon emerge, a crooked smile on his face, his hand pushing his wet hair off his forehead.

“Come back in, Finn. Swim with me.”

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and debate it because these feelings only seem to grow when I’m near him. Like I said, if I can avoid him, I can push them aside.

Kind of.

Landon swims over to me, right between my legs, and tugs on them. The feel of his hands on me gets me every time. And they’re always on me.

“Come on. Come in with me.”

He has a pout on his pink lips and just blinks his pretty eyes at me.

Fuck. How am I supposed to say no to him?

I slide into the water next to him, our bodies touching, and then he swings himself onto my back, wrapping his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I almost sink with him on me like this, but I reach out and grab onto the wall to keep us afloat.