Page 89 of Lex

William’s cheeks are flushed red, and I lean down pressing my lips to his. He groans against me, his mouth opening for me as he threads his hands through my hair.

God, I want him again. How is it possible that this desire for him has only grown stronger? I am desperate for him.

When our lips finally part, I cup his face in my hands. “I was wrong. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean it. I just wanted him to text me updates…I worry.”

He presses his hands to my chest and pushes away from me gently. “Don’t do that again, Lexington.”

I rest my forehead on his and nod.


“I know you don’t mean it, but it hurts me when you smile at someone else like you smile at me.”

My eyes widen slightly and I cup the back of his neck.

“You’re right. You’re so fucking right. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

He wets his lips and pulls me into him once more. “Come on. Let’s go home.”

I glance up at the sky and see a flash of light. A raindrop hits my cheeks and rolls down my neck.

“Yeah, let’s get home. Traffic is a bitch when it rains.”

* * *

“It never storms here in the summer,” I say, pressing my chin to William’s shoulder. We are standing in my apartment at the sliding door that leads to the balcony, watching the lightning split the sky. A low roll of thunder shakes the apartment complex and I press my lips to his neck, tasting him. Bubblegum. I want him in my mouth.

We’re both dressed in athletic shorts and t-shirts, having changed into them after a frantic make-out session as soon as we got home. I went down on him as an apology for flirting with Ben.

I made him forgive me with my mouth.

“In Florida, it stormed a lot. It was so humid. I hated it,” William says, arching into my touch. “I couldn’t wait to come back home.”

“Hmm, well, I’m glad you decided to. What would I do without you?”

“Same,” he whispers.

A flash of lightning illuminates the sky once more and I bite down on his ear. He shivers a little in my arms and I slide my hands under his shirt, feeling how warm and alive he is.

“I could stand here watching this all night,” he adds. “It’s really beautiful.”

“Me too,” I say, not at all focused on the scene outside my window. No, I am completely focused on William who smells delicious and looks perfectly rumpled.

My phone buzzes against the counter and I pull away from William, letting my hand trail down his arm as I move toward the kitchen.

My eyes reluctantly leave his as I pull up my text messages.

Diablo:I would like to barter with you again.

Diablo:Let me know what I need to do.

Asshole wants me indebted to him again. He’s always such a greedy fucker. He probably met someone at the game shop who had better miniatures than him and feels the urge to one-up them. I run a hand along my chin and glance over at William who is still watching the storm raging outside. I guess I could find something for Diablo to do.

Maybe hand him off some clients to work with.

A small chuckle escapes me.

That is a terrible idea.