Page 88 of Lex

“Are you leaving?” Brenda asks with a snort.

“Yes, but we’ll be back tomorrow. Don’t fall again in that time, Bren, okay?”

“I’ll use my walker, I promise,” she says with a smile. “Love you both.”

I press into William, feeling his strength and just absorbing it.

“Love you too, grandma,” William says.

“Love you, Bren,” I manage to squeak out before William leads me out of the apartment. I lean my head against his shoulder and just breathe in his sweet scent. God, what the fuck would I do without him? What if he had never come home from Florida? What if he decided to live out there forever? I’m not sure I could manage the stress of this alone.

“I’m glad you’re here,” I tell him as we near the exit.

“Me too,” he replies squeezing my hand gently.

As we near the check-in desk, I spot Ben. Swiping at my wet eyes, I quickly untangle my hand from William’s and saunter over to the counter, placing my elbows on it and leaning forward.

“Hello, Ben-Ben,” I say, smiling at him, forcing myself to flirt when really, all I want to do is be back in William’s arms. But this is another means to an end.

“Hi, Lex,” he says sweetly, his cheeks stained red. “What’s up?”

“I was wondering if you could text me how Brenda is doing later today. It would be a favor I’d be happy to repay you for.”

He looks away from me quickly and nods. “Yeah, um, sure I could do that.”

I smile widely at him and reach over, tugging on his hair a little. His breath escapes him in a gasp, and I run a finger across his ear.

Need to make sure he feels motivated to follow through. I know how to hook them.

“Thanks, love,” I say. “Look forward to hearing from you.”

He flushes crimson and I turn around, looking for William, but he’s not there.

I frown, feeling the absence of him acutely, and stride outside. The sky is turning grey and the air feels thick. It’s fucking ominous, is what it is. Because this type of weather is unusual for summer in Southern California. Usually, it’s sunny and hot. But the air feels wet, and I can smell the inevitable rain on the horizon. Must be a motherfucking monsoon.

In the distance I can see William leaning against his car, his arms folded across his chest, his eyes following me as I approach.

“Why the rush?” I ask, moving toward him, trying to wrap my arms around his waist, but he takes a step back.

“You were flirting. Right in front of me.”

I roll my eyes and cup the back of his neck, pulling him toward me. I don’t want him mad at me. I just want him to understand why I did it. I did it forus. And I can’t take the distance between us right now. Ineedhim.

“Don’t be jealous, love,” I say softly.

His eyes flash with irritation. “It’s not that simple. How would you feel if I flirted with that guy or any guy?”

“But you don’t flirt.”

“Not the point, Lexington,” he says sternly, and my dick jumps to attention. I love it when he gets all growly

I adjust my pants a little and shrug my shoulders. “It’s not a big deal. I know who you want.”

He narrows his eyes at me a little and then steps to the side, “Alright, then…”

But before he can move away, I pull him back into me, my hands digging into his arms.

“Don’t you fucking dare. Not today. Not now. Please.”