Page 86 of Lex

When we stumble into his room and he slips inside of me again, any lingering agitation dissipates completely.

He’s right. I’ll only ever say yes to him.



Isleep better than I expected. Probably because I am half on top of William all night and for some reason, his cool, quiet demeanor just takes me down a fucking notch. I get why Emery is so enamored with August.

Sometimes us anxious people just need a calm guy to help us relax a bit.

And I am relaxed. So relaxed I feel like a cat basking in a patch of sunlight.

I stretch out on top of William and feel his hands move up my bare back.

“We should get up,” I say, my voice hoarse from sleep.

“The hospital doesn’t let visitors in until seven,” he mutters drowsily. “It’s still dark out.”

I nuzzle into him further, inhaling his green apple scent.

“Still, we should be waiting outside to be the first ones in.”

“This isn’t Disneyland,” William says, and I bite down on his neck. He’s getting sassier by the second.

I love it. I want him to always talk back to me. It makes me horny.

I lean up on my elbows and stare down at him. He’s deliciously rumpled, his sleepy blue eyes hooded and watching me.

“I want to be there when the doors open, William. Do not make me beg.”

He rolls his lips between his teeth, making me wait. But finally, he utters, “Okay.”

Well, that was too easy. I narrow my eyes at him. My entire life has been fighting with other people, even my ladies give me hell, but this man rarely pushes back.

I’m not sure I know what to do with that.

“You’re not going to fight me on it?” I ask.

“No. I get it,” he replies. “I know how much this means to you. Let’s shower and grab some coffee and we can go.”

“Is this a trick?” I ask, still baffled.

He lets out a small laugh. “No, come on, let’s go break grandma out of jail.”

I roll off the bed and tug him into the shower and then get on my knees and eat his ass for being so agreeable.

* * *

“Alright, Bren. Here is your walker. There is no need for you to go meandering about without it,” I say, pulling the walker right up next to where she is perched on her sofa. The plants that were sitting on it have found a new home on the counter.

It took about an hour to discharge her from the hospital, but we were able to get her home with no issues, and her doctor assured me multiple times she’d be alright.

Well, there are no take-backsies now, doc. I took a good long look at his name just in case I need to hunt this fucker down if something goes awry.

Brenda eyes the red walker, her neck still in that damn brace, and my heart constricts seeing her look so fragile. And tired. Like the fight has been sucked out of her.
