Page 87 of Lex

“You have everything you need right here. You don’t even need to move. And Martha and Vikki are going to check up on you after we leave,” I say and look over at my ladies who are scrolling through the TV and whispering to each other.

“Are you even listening to me?” I ask the two of them.

When they don’t answer, I gently grab the remote from them and wield it in front of me in annoyance.

“Give that back, Lex,” Vikki demands. But now it’s my turn to ignore her.

“Will you check up on Bren?” I ask. “I need you to give me your word.”

“We already said we would,” Martha says with a roll of her eyes, like Bren didn’t just break her fucking neck.

I mean, it is a small spinal fracture, but still, she broke something. And her wrist is sprained. And she looks fucking old as shit.

“And while I’m at it, you two need to be careful too. I couldn’t stand one of you tumbling down. My heart can’t handle it.”

“No one is tumbling,” Martha grumbles, holding out her hand for the remote. “I haven’t tumbled in years.”

I narrow my eyes at them and then slap the remote back into her palm.

“I want updates. Hourly.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Martha says, but I don’t believe her because she can’t find her cell phone and Vikki’s has been dead for days. It’s hopeless. They clearly aren’t as worried about this as I am.

I am going to flirt with Ben at the front desk a little to get him to help me out. I am seriously reassessing my decision to not place cameras in their apartments. At the time I wanted to respect their privacy. I shouldn’t have had such strict morals. I’ll remember this for next time.

“Come here, Lex,” Brenda says and I sink down next to her, grabbing onto her good hand and squeezing it gently.

“Don’t worry so much. I’m fine.”

“You arenotfine.”

She sighs and then rests her head against my shoulder.

“You need to stop worrying yourself so much. I’ve lived so very long, Lex. When I go, it will be okay. I’ve had such a good life, made only better by having you in it.”

My eyes sting and I bite down so hard on my bottom lip that I draw blood. Because what the fuck is she talking about? This is not a eulogy, Brenda. Back away from the morbid talk.

“I am just so happy you have William now. You were so lonely before. Promise me you two will take care of each other.”

I glance over at my man and see him watching us, his gaze a little watery.

Yes, so it’s not just me. He’s feeling something too.

“Yes, well I don’t plan on ridding myself of him.”

“He loves you,” she says, her gaze meeting mine. “I can tell by how he looks at you. And you deserve it, Lex. You deserve him.”

I glance away from her and sniffle, willing myself not to lose it right now. I need to be strong.

So I sit there, Brenda dozing on me, for what feels like hours until William approaches.

“We should go and let them rest,” William says. “They’re all napping.”

I look over and see Vikki and Martha passed out, both of their mouths open slightly in sleep.

My eyes swivel to Brenda who has her eyes closed. I don’t want to go. I want to hover all night long and keep watch. Like John Snow in the Night’s Watch.

“Yeah, okay,” I say and as I start to move away, Brenda startles.