Page 51 of Lex

“We are living our last days to the fullest. Marie Kondo says we should do this,” Vikki blurts loudly.

“Yes, does this spark joy?” Martha replies, spooning another heap of brown sugar into her mouth. “Hell yes it does.”

I reach over the table and swipe that spoon right out of her hand.

“That is meant for clothes and appliances, not sugary shit,” I mutter.

“Same thing, Lex,” Brenda says, licking her fingers.

Motherfucking Christ. Did she eat the whole donut that quickly? She could have choked.

“William,” I say through gritted teeth. “You should have been monitoring this. What is wrong with you?”

“I thought you encouraged the bad behavior,” he quips.

Oh, so now he wants to open that sexy mouth and talk?

My eye twitches when the corner of his mouth turns up. He thinks this is funny. I will show him funny when we get home.

“How did I encouragethis?” I ask through clenched teeth and a false smile.

“The last time we went out to eat you drank mini-creamers and ate sugar packets with them. I thought it was the norm.”

“Yes, well we havelimits,which they’ve obviously forgotten about. They’re breakingall the rules.”

Martha suddenly burps loudly and William glances around, sliding a little lower in his seat, his cheeks firetruck red.

Good, he can be humiliated. I hope Martha keeps burping. She has it in her. I’ve heard it. It’s impressive, like a bullhorn. And William deserves it for letting Brenda swallow that donut like a snake eating a mouse.

“Bren,” I say quietly, tilting my head down toward her and getting a whiff of her signature perfume. “Seriously, you can’t eat shit like this. It’s not good for you. And William said you have a doctor’s appointment coming up. What if something bad happens before then?”

She squeezes my hand. “I’m fine. I feel fine. And I wanted the donuts, Lex. Life is short, let me live a little.”

I eye her. I mean, she looks fine. Better actually than she did this morning when William and I showed up. Maybe the donut helped.

Oh, fuck me. Now I’m conflicted. What if a donut a day keeps the doctor away?

“Fine, but we are all taking a nice long walk after this,” I declare.

It’s the only way to make me feel better.

Martha groans and Vikki sighs heavily because neither of them wants to move unless it’s toward sugar. They’re like ants.

Another bullhorn burp escapes Martha and William practically disappears into his seat as people start to stare.

Vikki cackles evilly and Brenda smiles up at me.

“He can’t keep his eyes off of you. Even half under the table,” she tells me.

“Yes, well, we all know it’s because I’m fabulous.”

His blue eyes peek out from the under the tabletop, and I sigh.

“William, what the hell are you doing?” I bite out.

He scoots up a little, his fair skin practically glowing in mortification. God, I love that look on him. It’s so fucking sexy. But I am still mad at him.

I have to remember that. Bad William. Bad donut.