Page 52 of Lex

“Okay, listen, ladies. No more burping or eating unhealthy shit. We are going for that walk, now,” I say, taking pity on William. His skin is just going to melt right off of him.

“After I finish my coffee,” Brenda says and takes a big, dramatic sip.

I roll my eyes but ultimately let her do whatever the hell she wants. And the entire time we sit there, William runs his foot across my calf. I like that he’s playing footsie with me while making casual conversation with my ladies.

I’ve never done this before and it’s turning me on more than I thought it would.

When we finally start moving, I am prepared to fight William for my chance to walk with Brenda, but he moves to Vikki instead, offering her his arm, and I slump in relief.

Fuck, he did that on purpose.

Maybe I’m not so mad at him after all.

Maybe I actually like him.

“He likes you too,” Brenda says, suddenly a mind reader.

“I know.”

“He’s a good man,” she adds. “I will feel so much better knowing the two of you have each other…”

I cut her off, my eyes stinging. “Stop it, Bren.Stop. It.”

She just looks at me with empathy, like she fucking knows I’m being naive, and my heart drops. For a moment, I can’t breathe.

She can’t know, can she? She has years left. Years.

She just tightens her hold on me and leans in, her head on my shoulder as we make our way through the air-conditioned mall.

I look at her tuft of ruby hair and feel my stomach clench.

Ten years. Ten fucking years left.

I decree it.

* * *

After dropping the ladies off, I drive us back to my apartment. I’m quieter than normal after our walk through the mall and William can tell. He watches me cautiously, his hands fisted in his lap. And, of course, he’s completely silent.

“Are you okay?” he asks softly as I park my car and turn it off. The heat of the summer is almost stifling, and I can’t sit another moment in this damn car.

I push my way out and William follows, his footsteps soft and steady behind mine.

“I’m just in a funk, is all,” I mutter as I push my apartment door open and step through. The AC hits me and I breathe a sigh of relief.

“I’ve never seen you this quiet,” he says.

“Yes, well you’ve known me a week, so this is a first, William. I have bad days.”

He watches me carefully and then takes a step toward me and my breath stutters out of my chest. One of his hands reaches out and envelopes mine. So fucking strong, and yet so gentle.

“What happened?” he asks.

My eye twitches and I look away from him. Jesus. I will not fucking lose my shit around this man.

Absolutely not.

I only lose my shit in privacy.