Page 25 of Lex

Everything about this man is pure sex.

Must cease and desist.

Abort. Abort!

I quickly cap it and then pull off my pants and boxers, cleaning myself up as best I can. When I look in the mirror, I note that I look utterly ridiculous. My red hair is a mess, sticking straight up in some places from Lex threading his hands through it, so I comb it back into place, but then I notice how I’m wearing a button-up shirt with a tie and athletic shorts. I don’t even match.

Hell, why do I even care what I look like?

I don’t know, but I do. I care way too much at the moment.

Quickly, I remove my shirt and tie and opt to just leave my chest bare. It’s a nice chest, I think. I work out at the gym a few times a week to feel strong and healthy, not really for looks, but I guess I’m defined in the right places. To be honest, I’ve never given it much thought until now.

I grab my wallet and keys, shoving them into my pocket so I don’t forget them. When I reemerge from the bathroom, all thoughts disappear as I stumble to a stop.

Lex is lying on the bed completely naked, his hard cock pressed against his stomach, and his hands tucked casually behind his head. He has tattoos lining his stomach and legs and my god, he has one on the bottom of his foot.

“Come on over, handsome,” he says, his dark eyes watching me approach. “And youdohave freckles everywhere. Will you let me trace them with my tongue?” he asks.

Yes, I absolutely will.

He wets his lips and I shudder in complete and utter lust.

“Oh, and before we begin, I have a little secret. I have piercings in places you can’t see right now. So, I suggest you look really hard. Don’t want to miss any of them.”

I swallow roughly. My throat is dry, parched like the desert. I need more than just a glass of water to quench this thirst inside of me.

I know, deep down, I should be wary of him because he’s after me for some nefarious reason. I can just feel it. I shouldn’t stay, I should leave before too much happens. But right now, I just don’t fucking care.

“Come on,” he says as I move toward him. “Straddle me. Take your time. I don’t have any other plans tonight.”

I crawl up the bed toward him, but I don’t straddle him like he says. No, that would be much too tempting. Instead, I sit down at his side and tentatively reach out, running my finger over his tattooed thigh. It’s a wolf, all grey and black shading. It’s almost symbolic.

Lex luring me into his apartment, threatening to swallow me whole.

I move my eyes to the other thigh and notice that it’s Little Red Riding Hood.

I trace the line of her cloak and his muscles jump and flex under my touch as I peek up at him.

“Youarethe big bad wolf,” I mutter.

“All the better to eat you with.”

He bites down on his bottom lip, his eyes flashing with desire, and I groan lowly.

My entire hand is splayed across his thigh now and I run it up his leg to his waiting cock and his breath stutters.

Ah, so it’s not just me affected by this thing between us. He feels it too. A strange sense of power surges through me as my hand wraps around his long straining dick. It’s warm and hard beneath my grip and I clench him a little harder.

His chest heaves, and when I stroke up the length of him, he groans.

“You have soft hands,” he mutters. “What lotion do you use? I need to buy some.”

I don’t answer because my eyes are caught on the two silver barbells right at the base of his penis and I can’t breathe.

So much metal on one body. Where else is he hiding these piercings? I need to spend hours exploring him, mapping out the lines of his body.

“That’s a pubic piercing,” he says, and I run my thumb over it.