Page 24 of Lex

I gulp down air and feel my entire body heat in embarrassment.

“Andlong. You came for like an entire minute. I’m kind of jealous.”

I can’t speak, can’t even breathe.

“I liked it. I really fucking liked that. I want to do that again,” he adds. “But first, you’re a mess. Let’s clean you up. I assume you didn’t bring a change of clothes.”

I shake my head and then feel my cheeks flush.

“Told you to, but did you listen? No, you did not. I should make you walk around in your own jizz for the rest of the night, but I’m too kind. Brenda told me so. And you’re her grandson so….”

He hops off of me, his hard cock jutting against his pants, and I eye it for much too long. It’s long and slender, just like him. I want to touch it and run my hands along it.

I want everything that is Lex, apparently.

“It’s impressive, isn’t it?” he asks, cupping it and then extending his hand out to me. I slip my fingers through his as he pulls me up.

At that exact moment, my phone buzzes in my pocket, but I ignore it. I have other things on my mind, more important matters.

Like the fact that Lex is going to strip down naked, and I get to touch his bare skin. I want to trace those tattoos, pluck at the rings in his nipples, and even touch his dick.

I make a mental sign of the cross in my head because heaven help me, I’m not going to survive this.

“You going to answer that?” Lex asks and I shake my head.

“It’s no one,” I reply, my voice broken and raspy.

He eyes me and then asks, “Is it Brenda? Check it, please.”

I pull out my phone and see a slew of messages and an unfamiliar number on the screen but I know exactly who they’re from.


I shake my head. “No. It’s not Grandma.”

Fuck, not this again. How did she know I was back in town? I told no one but my grandma.

I don’t want to deal with this shit, especially not when Lex is right here, holding my hand and looking like dessert.

I turn my phone off and shove it back into my pocket. I’ll figure out how to deal with her later.

Lex is eyeing me suspiciously and I flush crimson again under his stare. How does he manage that? All he has to do is look at me and I burst into color.

“Alright, if you say so. Come on, back here,” he says, my hand still wrapped in his. He tugs me down the short hallway and into his bedroom. A queen size bed sits up against the wall and on the opposite end of the room is a large desk with multiple computer screens spanning the entire length of it. There is a large cabinet next to the desk and I wonder for a moment what’s inside.

“Sexy, isn’t it?” he says gesturing to his computer set up, but my eyes are locked on him.

Yeah, he is.

Lex walks over to a small dresser, opens a drawer, and shuffles through it. He tosses me a pair of grey athletic shorts.

“Here. Go change. Unless you want to be naked for this.” His eyes slip down me as he runs a hand over his lips. “Yes, being naked for this wouldn’t be a chore. Tell me, do you have freckleseverywhere?”

I don’t answer, just clutch the shorts in my hand and move into the bathroom. It’s small and slightly cluttered, with hair products and eyeshadows and…are those lace panties?

Does he wear those? Shit, I want to see that. Why the hell is that so hot?

I lock the door and then my eyes snag on a bottle of cologne. Without thinking, I uncap it and take a whiff.Ohfuck, that smell makes my mouth water. It makes my entire body break out in goosebumps.