Page 18 of Lex

I would have preferred if William had driven separately, but Brenda wanted him with us, so who am I to argue? And of course, William has this ridiculous sports car that’s so low to the ground Brenda would never be able to get out of it. So I drove because my automobile is sensible. I may even upgrade to a minivan because it will be easier for them to slide in and out of. That’s how committed I am to this.

The nerve William has to accuse me of being here for the money, pfft. It’s absolutely insulting.

“We’ll have five orders of crepes and mimosas all around,” I say when the waiter comes to our table to take our order. He eyes me up and down rather obviously, and I think that maybe if it weren’t for William watching me, I’d leave him my number on the back of a napkin. Or perhaps meet him in the bathroom for a quick blow job.

But of course, I don’t do any of that. I gotta keep my eye on William. He’s much too quiet. I don’t trust the quiet ones.

“Actually, I’d just like a water and some wheat toast,” William interjects, and all eyes swivel to him.

What the fuck? See what I mean? My eyes need to be on him at all times. Because…toast and water?

I mean, I like to manage the ladies’ sugar intake but damn, I don’t even go that far.

“What the hell are you ordering, Willy? What planet are you from?”

“Itisodd,” Martha interjects loudly. “Who wants that healthy shit when you can have Nutella crepes?”

I flick my hand at Martha as if to sayseeand arch an eyebrow as Vikki tears open a sugar packet and upends it into her mouth.

Motherfuck, I need to monitor her better. She will end up with type 2 diabetes if she keeps that up.

“Live a little, William,” Brenda says softly, and I arch my other eyebrow at him. I learned that from my friend Amanda. It’s amazing what miracles the eyebrows can work in the art of persuasion.

His cheeks flush slightly, and he gives a clipped nod. “Fine. I’ll have the crepes instead.”

“Good man,” I say, leaning back and grabbing a single-serve cup of vanilla creamer, opening it, and pouring it into my mouth. Because why the fuck not? It’s delicious.

William looks horrified. Oh, he has no idea. Vikki makes out with the entire basket of creamers before she leaves, just dumps them right into her purse, and Martha steals a fork each time we come. Brenda pretends to be an angel, but I see her licking her plate sometimes.

I can’t wait to see William’s expression when he sees her do that.

I toss a creamer at William, and it hits him square on the chest before falling onto his lap.

“Drink up,” I smirk.

He sets the miniature cup on the table and Brenda swipes it, her eyes twinkling.

“Grandma, no,” William says, but she just ignores him, pouring the contents into her mouth.

That horrified look is back on his face, and I feel incredibly pleased with this turn of events. Suddenly, I am so happy he’s here. I like to watch him squirm.

“Don’t worry, Willy,” I say. “I monitor their intake. We have guidelines they have to follow.”

“Damn right we do. And this one is always nagging too,” Martha says, upending another sugar packet into her mouth. “Only five packets, Martha,” she says in a high-pitched voice that is not at all like my own. “I tried to tell him ten is more reasonable, but he won’t fucking budge.”

Vikki pockets a spare fork and isn’t even sly about it, causing William to gape. When the waiter knowingly replaces the creamer and sugar packets ten minutes later, William almost slides underneath the table.

He is positively mortified, and I delight in it.

“You’re despicable,” he whispers to me as we leave the restaurant. He has a small bit of Nutella right on the corner of his mouth, so I brush it away with my thumb.

His breath hitches when I lick it clean.

“I am a fan favorite, Willy. You’re just a boring piece of ass.”

He huffs, his cheeks red, and I lean into him. He smells like vanilla beans.

“Be that as it may, come over tonight for your lesson.”