Page 17 of Lex

“I’m home by nine. Don’t be fucking late. You and that mouth of yours need a lot of help.”

He stares at my writing across his skin and then meets my stare, but I don’t dilly-dally. I just turn on my heel and head back to Brenda’s room. Life is short, and I don’t need to spend my time here arguing with William—as enticing as that may be.

When I make it back to her room, I see her sitting on the couch, her head leaning back with her eyes closed and mouth open. Always fucking napping. That’s not a bad sign, is it?

“Bren,” I say and her eyes pop open and a small smile lifts her lips.

“Hi, Lex. You took a while out there. I missed you.”

Gah, my heart.

“Yes, well I got a bit sidetracked,” I add as I sink down next to her and pull her into a hug.

She holds me tightly for a moment and then lets me go, her hand brushing my cheek. In my peripheral, I see William sinking in the chair opposite us and I can feel those blue eyes on me.

Look all you want, Willy. I’m not fucking leaving.

“Well, you two were sidetracked forquite a while,” she says, smiling at William who just continues to watch me.

“William was having trouble…processing some things. I had to really spell it out for him…with my mouth.”

William is blushing again and Brenda’s eyes positively sparkle. There’s no pulling wool over her eyes. She’s too observant. She knows exactly what happened inside that bathroom. You can read it all over William’s face.

“I bet you did.” She leans into me. “Told you. Electric.”

Well, she’s not wrong. William kisses like a sock puppet, but I still got hard as a rock.

“Are Vikki and Martha heading over?” I ask, trying to divert the subject because I refuse to have an erection in front of these ladies. They would never let me live it down. I don’t embarrass easily, but I know if that were to happen, I’d just die.

And I’m not fucking dying until I get another piece of William.

I need to see if that was a one-off. That desperation I felt, the way my body vibrated with need. Will that happen every time or was it only in the heat of the moment? An experiment needs to be done immediately.

“Not sure,” Brenda says. “Though I would like for them to meet William. He’s been gone for so very long.”

“Ah, why yes he has been,” I mutter, giving William the evil eye. Because as sweet as he tastes, he did leave Brenda here while off doing who knows what. Although I very much doubt he was fucking his way around Florida, not with the way he kisses. He was probably crammed into a small room crunching numbers all day. But still.

He left her.

“Why don’t I go get them and we can grab brunch? Mimosas and crepes. Sound good?” I ask.

Brenda glances over at William and my jaw clenches. She doesn’t need to look to him for permission. This man is interfering with our well-established dynamic, one that I’ve come to rely on.

William, all up in my business, is going to ruin things, and it makes me want to ruin him.

“Fine. William can join as well,” I grind out because I know she won’t leave when he’s here. I don’t want her to stay inside all day, it’s not good for her. These ladies need to get out and move their legs. If they don’t, they can get blood clots. I’ve looked it up. It’s a thing.

William folds his hands on his lap, not answering right away. I glower at him until he looks away and nods his agreement.

Good boy, Willy. I didn’t want to have to do something drastic. Like call my friend Diablo. He’s much scarier than me.

I stand up and clap my hands together. “Right-o, I’ll be back with Martha and Vikki and then we’ll go.”

I stride out of the room and down to Martha and Vikki’s rooms, hurrying them along because I don’t trust William to not derail my plans in some way.

He’s nefarious in his own, quiet way. I can tell.

We make it to the restaurant in one piece—the five of us crowded into my car like clowns at a circus.