“You’re wrong,” he said. “Our son would be proud if he were alive to see the life he gave Orrin. And the life he gave you, even if it won’t be the same.”
Etna wrapped her arms around me again. I closed my eyes, trying to gather in the last bit of calm, but my heart beat too hard to absorb it. I wished they’d follow me to safety, but if they wouldn’t, I’d have to try to find another way to save them.
“Goodbye, Grandma.” After a long embrace, I opened my eyes and raised my head.
At the end of the street, a lone dark-haired figure in common clothing climbed from a carriage, heading toward the gates to the quarter.
I stared, hardly believing my eyes. My smile widened and my voice went breathless. “He’s here.”
“Who?” asked Marcus, turning around. “Not your father?”
I shook my head. “Graham Brennin.”
“I have to go!” I hugged Etna and Marcus one more time, this time out of joy. “Thank you for everything.”
“Goodbye, dear. Come back to us again!” said Etna.
I started to run, but Cael caught me by the elbow. “Get himoutthis time.”
“I will,” I said. “See you at the boat.”
“Can you handle this?” he asked.
“Yes.” I wasn’t sure if he meant the act of getting out of the city or handing Graham over to him. I also wasn’t sure if I could handle either of those things.
“Once I’ve taken the heir, don’t make a single move until your father gets to the cave to bring you home.”
I nodded. “I know the plan.”
Cael leaned closer, still holding my arm. “Don’t mess up.”
“Thanks for the concern.” I pulled my arm from his grasp and dashed after Graham.
Graham was almostto the gates. I darted between citizens, pushing my way toward him. I ran until I was close enough to say his name without the whole street hearing.
He spun around. His eyes widened, and his eyebrows lifted in surprise. “You’re still here.”
I took his hand and pulled him around a corner, out of the view of the guard at the gates. “Why did you come?” I asked.
“I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t,” he said.
An ambitious energy traveled from my heart to my limbs. “What about your father?”
He shook his head. “It doesn’t look hopeful. And the doctor told me something he said the last time they spoke.”
I waited with hope rising in my chest. His eyes blazed blue under the vibrant afternoon sun and his dark hair was lit with gold.
“He said he wanted me to be happy, to be a better king than he’d been. And thanks to you, I know how.”
I covered my mouth. “You’ll come with me?”
“Yes,” he said, “but I wish I knew how you plan to leave.”
My relief burned bright, but my stomach sank with guilt. There was a flip side to every success, and this one was hard to ignore. It would be nice if my conscience could stay out of this.