When she walked away, the pain of loss and failure hit me even harder than before. I watched her go, then left the alley.
Cael was waiting in the street, his arms crossed. I figured he’d been watching the house for days, waiting for me to finally come out. He raised an eyebrow at my masculine disguise but didn’t comment on it. “So the heir wasn’t convinced?”
I shook my head, but everything down to my dragging feet gave away my failure. I walked past him, squinting into the morning sun.
“So that’s it?” asked Cael from behind me.
I stopped, knowing I should thank him for getting me out of jail and saving my things, but I forgot my gratitude when I saw his hateful scowl. I dropped my head. “I couldn’t do it.”
“I wasted a lot of time on you.”
“I know.” I turned to go, but his next words stopped me before I took a second step.
“Well, that’s his death sentence.”
My fingers clenched into fists. “I’ll talk to my father. To the islanders. We’ll think of something else.”
He shook his head. “Time’s up. And you’ve already made a big enough mess of things, don’t you think?”
I stared at his cold eyes, trying to think of something I could say to make him care. But there was nothing.
“I need one last favor,” I said. “I need to say goodbye to the Lenoxes and I can’t get into the quarter.”
“You don’tneedto say goodbye.”
“Yes, Ido. After that, I’ll be ready to go home. No more arguments. Just give me this one last thing, okay?”
He crossed his arms.
“Please. I’ll never ask you for anything again.”
“Fine.” He gestured in front of us. “But you better keep that promise.”
“Thank you.” My gaze drifted past him until I stared at the Brennin House, at one window in particular. I wanted to force my way in, to march back up there and tell him the whole truth. But instead, I turned around and saved myself.
* * *
I avoidedthe main streets and stayed far from the places Enforcers were likely to be. My long walk took me across the city to the edge of Quarter C, Cael trudging after me. Once there, I hid around the corner of a building and sent him inside the gates. I waited, watching the afternoon sun begin its descent toward the west. People passed by, but no one looked for long at the oddly shaped gentleman I attempted to be.
I’d have to face my father soon and let him see how badly I failed. I considered not returning home so I wouldn’t have to witness his disappointment, but I couldn’t do that to him, no matter how ashamed I might be.
Etna and Marcus rushed around the corner, startling me out of my dark thoughts. They halted for a moment at my appearance, then continued forward, Cael walking behind them.
Etna stretched out her arms and pulled me into a tight hug. “We were so worried about you.”
Marcus put a hand on my shoulder. “You shouldn’t have come back, disguise or not. Enforcers are still prowling the quarter.”
“He’s right,” said Etna. “You need to get somewhere safe.”
“So do you. I can’t bear for you to get caught in the attack. Come with me!”
Etna’s eyes gleamed and she shook her head. “It’s not worth the risk. Prison would probably kill us faster than anything if we got caught.”
I gripped her wrinkled hands, looking into her sad eyes. “Please. I can’t leave you two here.”
“We’ll be fine,” said Marcus, looking around the corner. “You should go.”
“I’m so sorry.” My voice shook and I swallowed to fight the emotion. “I wasted everything your son gave us.”