
Tir an Fhomhair ~ The Realm of Autumn

“Just sit tight back there and hang on,” Notalus instructed him, but Dustin was already getting anxious.

He’d helped in the stables plenty, but he’d never had the desire to ride a horse. And after seeing what Notalus’ stallion could do, he was even more leery that he was worthy of the trip.

“What if I fall off?”

“You won’t,” Notalus laughed, settling himself into the wide saddle. “Trust me.”

“Exactly how far up do we have to go?”

“High. But it’ll be over in seconds—you won’t even have a chance to notice you’re flying before we’re going back down.”

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” Dustin squeezed the hell out of Notalus’ middle as Joldryn took off at a record-breaking speed.

“It’ll be over before you know it, handsome.” Notalus laughed as his horse shot straight up into the air and Dustin screamed for his life.

It was the least masculine sound he’d ever made, but he didn’t care—he was falling, flailing, or flying, whatever. Weird was not the way he would’ve described bursting through a thick billow of the clouds, the setting sun heating his skin impossibly warm before the atmosphere shifted and cool, honey-scented air washed over him.

“Almost there!” Notalus yelled, clutching the reins and leaning back as Joldryn reversed course and turned his muzzle to the ground and descended toward a sea of treetops that were all the colors of fall and more.

Dustin ground his teeth at the speed they were dropping, his wolf tearing at his insides, his apprehension shooting through the roof after Dustin glanced down and saw he was still way too far off the ground. Joldryn kicked harder, and Notalus flung his arm forward, sending them hurtling toward the ground at a terrifying speed that sent Dustin’s wolf into emergency survival mode. He leapt off the back of Notalus’ horse and shifted in the air, his clothes shredding around him and falling like pieces of a ripped parachute.

“Dustin!” Notalus yelled and sent a blast of wind beneath him that allowed him to coast to the ground, his beast landing on all fours. He felt a warm, soul-touching pull in his chest as he turned his muzzle to the sky and howled long and low, sending his cry of praise up to the sky.

Notalus landed with his usual flare and bravado, leaping off Joldryn while he was still running, and drifted to Dustin’s side. He shifted and closed the space between them, growling with irritation.

“I understand that time moves slower for immortals, but that was not a few seconds, Notalus. It was more like minutes that were too long for me to be free-falling.” Dustin scowled.

Notalus didn’t seem fazed by Dustin’s anger; he looked more turned on than anything as he gazed down at Dustin’s nakedness. With a swift flick of his wrist, Notalus unclasped his robe and slung it around Dustin’s shoulders. “Your body is a masterpiece, and I hate to cover it, but I doubt you want to meet my son and court in this manner.”

Dustin had been too busy fussing to notice the garland and flowers flying toward them from the gathering crowd. The wide streets were paved with large, gray cobblestone and void of any automobiles. Instead, the road was adorned with vendors selling everything from silk scarves to cloves of cinnamon. All business and social conversations came to an immediate halt as a loud cacophony of horns blew and announced Notalus’ return.

“Notalus Cavalerie, the last of the horsemen and harbingers of justice, the overseer of the harvest and creator of new life. All hail the Lord of the South Wind and his lord consort, the alpha wolf of the Moon Tribe!”

Dustin snapped his head around to Notalus. “What?”

His smile was dangerously sexy. “I will explain later.”

“How did they even know I was coming? I just decided an hour ago.”

“I sent a message ahead to my son after you agreed. Your arrival has been eagerly anticipated.” Triumph danced in Notalus’ eyes.

“Me.” Dustin frowned. He was so confused that he didn’t know what question to ask first.

“I am always welcomed home anytime I leave Fhomhair, Dustin… but nothing as grand as this after only being gone one day. They’re here to see you, my alpha… not me.”

Wait, what’s the Moon Tribe? Dustin wasn’t sure what all of this meant, but it sounded like they had the wrong man. Great. Now I have a case of mistaken identity, and I’m naked. Dustin was pissed off at his wolf for tearing through him and shifting like that without his permission; Dustin wanted to arrive in Fhomhair with dignity and grace. Not like a freaked-out little pup.

“My home is up this way.” Notalus gestured in the direction of a shaded mansion that was about a mile up a beautiful cobble walkway. After a couple of seconds, the wind stirred around them, and another robe flew into Notalus’ outstretched palm. With a smug grin, he slung it around his shoulders and clasped the heavy bronze medallions over each pec.