Dustin didn’t want to think of just how many times he’d been left late in the fields by himself while his hands went home to their mates.
“You are a very special mortal, Dustin, and you have a unique gift within, but it has to be nurtured as well. Just like your gardens. It’s time someone sowed seed back into you, Dustin.”
“I will go with you.” It didn’t take Notalus to convince him long. Dustin had been in the giving capacity for so long he’d forgotten what it was like to receive nurturing. He wanted all Notalus had to show… and give him.
Notalus was ready to leave from the very spot they’d been standing, but Dustin wanted to at least tell his good friend Mark that he was leaving for a while and that he wanted him to take over his job and make Jerry and his brother the foremen. They had more than enough help and experience to do the job; they just wouldn’t have Dustin micromanaging them anymore.
On the walk back to the pack lands, Notalus answered his thousands of questions about where exactly the Realm of Autumn was and how they were getting there. Dustin stressed that he’d never been in an airplane or even a building taller than ten stories. Wolves didn’t do flying. But Notalus contended that the leap would be fast and painless, albeit a little strange at first. Apparently, the immortal realm was through a portal in the sky, not in the heavens. Dustin continued to fire rapid questions at him, curious as to what and who was in the immortal realm and whether he would even be accepted. Would he be stared at like an alien or cursed out like they did tourists that came to New York?
“You, they will adore.” Notalus smiled.
They were almost to the clearing when Notalus flung his arms out in front of him as if he was shooing away squirrels and sent a gust of wind to open a path for them to walk through. Dustin enjoyed the view as Notalus walked a few steps ahead, his thick, silky mane flowing sexily atop his emerald robe. Dustin was trying to absorb all that had happened to him in the last twelve hours. Hell, in the last hour. He’d had a titan on his knees with his cock down his throat, taking all of him in a way he didn’t believe possible.
Dustin stood taller, his spine ramrod straight, his head high when he fell in step beside Notalus. Heads turned and jaws dropped as Notalus stopped them midway to Dustin’s cabin and pulled him into his chest and kissed him hard and possessively on his mouth. Wolf whistles and catcalls rose around them, but Notalus didn’t stop as his robe wrapped around them like a cocoon. They’d returned to the same scene of people partying and loving on each other. A few of the betas were preparing a run, and they all knew what kind of celebration came after that.
Dustin smiled against Notalus’ mouth. He wouldn’t be here alone while the others enjoyed themselves. He was ready. “Okay. We can go now.”
“What’s going on, boss man? Where you been? The party is in full swing now,” Joseph said with a plastic cup of probably beer in his hand.
Notalus unwrapped them.
Dustin sucked his teeth. When have they ever known me to party? They were more than likely inviting Notalus. Heaven knows there were enough men and women staring appreciatively at him as he stood off a ways.
“Guys. I’m going to go home with Notalus for a while, but—”
“Go home where? For how long?” Mark blurted.
Dustin put his hand up to fend off the other two before they could ask anything too. “I’m going to visit his home in the immortal realm.”
Jerry’s blue eyes got as wide as silver dollars. “Holy freaking shit, man. Is that even safe?”
Dustin scoffed. “It’s Notalus’ home. I’m sure I’ll be fine. And I don’t know when I’m coming back… but it won’t be too long.”
The three of his hands turned and glanced in Notalus’ direction and then back to Dustin and scoffed in unison. “No, you won’t be back.”
Jerry laughed and clamped Dustin on his shoulder. “Dude, get a clue. We can smell you on him. Y’all were out there getting it on.”
Dustin’s neck turned hot despite the cool breeze blowing around them.
Mark shot Dustin an encouraging look, silently asking if it went okay. He was the only one that was ever sympathetic to the rumors about Dustin and his bed partners. Dustin was sure Mark was able to understand what the wide grin stretching his face meant.
Joseph pointed at Notalus’ broad back. “Why oh why would you come back here when you could stay with that.”
Good point. But Dustin didn’t want to be presumptuous; it was just a trip. He thought.