Cat’s sister whispered, “I think he means Cat.”
“That’s right, pretty girl. Perhaps you’d fancy a ride while your sister is—”
Cat’s sister’s eyes rounded in shock. “N-No. I’ll stay here with Devlin.”
Turtle ruffled the girl’s chestnut hair and said, “That’s okay. And if you ever change your mind, Turtle’s back seat will always be there.”
“Thanks, Turtle.”
“No problem.”
Turtle left Demon with Devlin and his sister.
“She made a mistake. But there’s not a bad bone in her body,” Devlin said to Demon.
Demon didn’t know Cat—obviously. But his gut feeling never proved him wrong.
“That may be. But she sure is a handful,” Demon said.
Devlin nodded. “Well, that’s Cat for ya.”
“The twins still livin’ at your parents’ place?” Demon didn’t bother to ask Cat’s sister since she looked everywhere but at him.
“Yeah. Can’t have them here. I’m saving up for a home big enough for me and my four siblings, though.”
“You are? What about Mom?” Cat’s sister asked Devlin.
“Nora…. She made her bed—”
Nora interrupted her brother. “I can’t leave her.”
Demon wondered just how bad things were at home for them. Before he could dive deeper into the matter, he watched Cat strode out of the bathroom with all the cleaning supplies.
“Turtle! Are you ready to ride?” Cat shouted through the clubhouse bar, not giving a flying fuck how she made a few brothers chuckle.
“Ain’t I supposed to askyouthat?” Turtle said as he slid from his barstool.
“When I’m old enough, I’ll take you out for a ride in one of those thingies to the side of my motorcycle. What’s it called? A sidecar?”
“You’ll have to kill me first before I step into a hack, Whirlwind.”
“I don’t think you’ll do a lot of stepping after you’re dead, Turtle.”
“Fuckin’ wisecrack…” Turtle said.
Cat handed the cleaning supplies back to Zion and waved at her brother and sister.
“Let’s go,” she said.
Demon realized Annas couldn’t have picked a better road name for her as the quiet after the storm returned when the steel clubhouse door slammed shut behind Cat.
Seven years ago
Cat racedup the stairs two steps at a time, tears pricking her eyes. She never cried. Never.
She glanced down over her shoulder at her father resting one foot on the first step, his eyes flashing with anger.