Page 8 of Demon

“Get your ass back downstairs, now!” he roared.

Rob Walker could walk out the door and stay away for another couple of years for all Cat cared. She didn’t know why everybody accepted him coming and going like they didn’t have a clue what he’d been up to.

She would never let a boy treat her like her father did her mother. That was just another thing that fueled her anger: her mother’s way of handling things.

Instead of kicking his ass out the door; Brenda Walker let her husband stay out for a few nights and say nothing at first. She would slam a few doors, clank a few glasses on the table, or vacuum in the middle of her father’s favorite TV-show just to get on his nerves long enough for him to explode.

Her parents made up even louder than they fought. Cat didn’t know what sickened her most.

“Leave me alone, asshole!” Cat yelled before she left her father standing to enter the bedroom she shared with her sister.

She heard her father rush up the stairs. Did he really want to go a second round?

“What did you just say to me?” her father roared. It wasn’t after he saw Nora sitting in the middle of her bed with her earphones, reading one of her vampire books, that he held his step.

Nora froze, taking in their red-faced father who, as always, figured if he yelled at Cat long enough, she would back down.

While Nora tried hard to escape reality, Cat tried to kick some sense into her family to actually change some things around here.

“Why can’t you be more like your sister?” her father said before he slammed the door shut after him.

“I’m calling Devlin,” Cat murmured while unlocking her screen.

“Cat, hey…” Devlin said after the first ring.

“Can you come pick me up at the house?” She cringed when her voice cracked.

“I’ll be there in ten,” he said and already hung up on her.

If she didn’t know better, she would think she’d bothered her oldest brother by calling him, but Devlin was always a dick on the phone. At least with Devlin, she knew he would always have her back, no matter what.

Just like now.

He didn’t even need to know her reason for calling; Devlin just dropped everything to pick her up just because he was that kind of big brother.

She wished she could live with Devlin at the IVMC compound instead of sharing a house with her parents, who belonged in a freak show.

“What’s wrong this time?” Nora sighed as she pulled one of her earphones out.

“I’m out. I can’t deal with those two.”

Nora shut down her music on her phone. “What happened?”

Cat whirled on her brand new leather boots and snatched her new black shirt from her bed. She absolutely loved the new clothes her three brothers had picked out for her birthday a week ago.

“Nothing happened,” she said after throwing her worn gray shirt on the floor, ignoring her sister’s sigh.


Cat’s head popped out of her fresh shirt. “What? It’s just another day in the life of the Walker family…”

“I’m sorry that I’ve been a bit… you know…” Nora said as she wrapped the white cord of her earphone around her index finger.

Cat sat down on the bed next to her sister. “It’s fine. I know you hate it here just as much as I do.”

Nora not getting defensive and standing up for their parents was a first.

“Is Dev picking you up?” Nora asked.