“Cats are arrogant assholes, temperamental, and naturally unresponsive to punishment.”
She peeked outside the stall for a second and said, “Cats know their worth and don’t take any shit, you mean?”
Turtle smiled as he watched their interaction. Demon ignored the oldest IVMC member, and asked her a question he already knew the answer to, but asked her anyway.
“You always getting into trouble?”
She turned around and clanked the toilet seat down in answer.
Turtle grinned as he fisted his long beard. “Answer the Enforcer’s question, Stink.”
He heard Cat sigh before another voice boomed inside the bathroom. “Just when I thought I’ve seen everything; a whirlwind comes into my club, ignoring all club rules and almost breaking her neck on our dirt track on her first visit. Care to explain yourself, Whirlwind?”
Annas used a different ‘stern-dad-voice’ for Cat than he would normally use with anyone fucking up in his club. Demon had heard that same ‘dad voice’ time after time over the past sixteen years after Annas took him into his home when Demon was ten-years-old.
Annas had a thing for nicknaming a select few from the moment he’d met them. It’s how Demon ended up with his road name long before he’d even started prospecting.
Annas nicknaming Cat ‘Whirlwind’ told Demon two things: even though Annas was pissed at Cat and wouldn’t let her off the hook; he already saw Cat for what she was: a whirlwind that’ll leave a trace wherever she goes. And with many things in club life, instead of being an outcast or shunned, the President of the Iron Vikings honored her by giving her a road name.
Luckily, Cat recognized by the sound of Prez’ voice that he wasn’t messing around and she walked out of the stall with a mop in hand.
Cat looked down at her feet for just a second before she said, “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”
Annas grunted. “All right. Now get back to work.”
“Yes, Prez,” she said like a true prospect.
Annas couldn’t hide his smile in time. He cleared his throat and said, “You’re one out of twins, right?”
Cat fisted the mop’s broom with both hands, keeping her eyes trained on Annas. “Why? You need another bathroom cleaned?”
Turtle’s boisterous laugh echoed through the dirty bathroom stalls.
“I see a lot from my youngest daughter in you,” Annas said with a hint of a smile. “Amara also thought she needed to act tough to fit in. But make no mistake, Whirlwind: bitches will never be brothers. Never. No matter how ballsy or mouthy they get. Keep that in mind. Know your place and keep your little ass out of trouble if you want to keep hanging out here with your brother.”
Annas left Cat standing as he exited the bathroom, not waiting on her response.
“Okay, we’ll leave you to it,” Demon said.
“Turtle, I’m sorry I took your bike,” Cat said and Demon believed her.
Turtle pulled her in for a hug and said, “Water under the bridge.”
She glanced up at Turtle as he held her and said, “After I’m done here, will you take me for a ride on your real bike?”
“Insufferable... That’s what you are, Whirlwind,” Turtle said, using her road name since that’s what the President had just given her. Turtle hugged her a little tighter before he let go.
“All right. We’ll go for a ride, but only if you clean this shit spotless from floor to wall. Understood?”
She smiled like the cat that got the cream. “No problem.”
“Okay, Demon. Let’s grab some food,” Turtle said as he stepped towards the exit.
“Save me a wiener!” Cat shouted.
Turtle shook his head with a toothy grin as he walked up to Devlin. “I’m taking Whirlwind for a ride after she’s done. Cool?”
Devlin’s eyebrows furrowed. “Whirlwind?”