Page 18 of Demon

Ryleigh entered the living room with Nora, completing their group of four cousins, who were also best friends.

“Why’s everyone fleeing the kitchen? I have lots of food that still needs to be eaten. And we all know how your grandfather needs to watch his diet,” Nanna said.

“Usually all the fun people hang out in the kitchen at parties. Not in this family…” Kieran said as he entered the living room.

Nanna shook her gray head. “Kieran…”

Cat’s brother shrugged. “What? It’s true.”

Her parents drove everyone insane with their bickering. Kieran was just stating facts, and they all knew it.

“What did we miss?” Ryleigh asked as she sat down next to Cat.

“Cat can’t eat her cake because her stomach is acting up… I think she’s in looove,” Mia joked.

Kieran groaned. “Great. The kitchen is a war zone, the living room resembles a schoolgirl’s slumber party… where’s granddad?”

“In the backyard,” Nanna said.

Kieran instantly left the living room, and they all laughed. It was better if her brother didn’t hear about this, anyway.

“So… who’s been giving you butterflies?” Nanna asked Cat.

Nora’s eyes instantly found Cat’s. Nora blushed, probably feeling embarrassed on Cat’s behalf since she knew about her crush on this much older guy who wanted nothing to do with her.

Except for Nora, none of her friends or family knew about what happened at the clubhouse four years ago. Cat insisted on not telling anyone because their parents would undoubtedly file for a restraining order against Devlin as they finally had a reason to ban him out of their lives.

Nora didn’t understand Cat’s obsession with this older, intriguing guy that had made himself larger than life in Cat’s eyes by taking charge that day. The way he’d handled that prospect and stood his ground by defying Annas convinced her there was only one man for her.

Sure, she’d been on a few dates in the past few years. She’d kissed and fooled around, and a few months ago, even went all the way with Brian from the gym where she always sparred with Ryleigh.

She did it all with the greater good in mind: preparing herself for a much older and undoubtedly very experienced outlaw biker.

“Why does your brother has to take you to his gang today of all days?” her mother grumbled upon entering the living room.

Cat didn’t even bother to answer her mother since everyone knew what happened at their sweet sixteen party. Nora had pressed Devlin to come, even though he didn’t want to go because their dad would be there. When their father had tried to hug Devlin, he’d turned around and didn’t show his face at the house once this year.

“It’s our birthday, Mom. He wants to see us, too. We’re just going to have a few drinks,” Nora said.

“I just don’t understand why he can’t join us? It would save him a lot of trouble instead of coming over and driving you girls around town.”

“I’m sure Devlin is fine with picking us up,” Nora said with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

“Ah, he’s here!” Cat said while standing up from the couch.

She kissed her grandmother on the cheek. “Thank you, Nanna.”

Nanna touched Cat’s cheek with her frail hand. “Give Devlin a kiss from me. I look forward to seeing him tomorrow.”

“What’s tomorrow?” Cat’s mother asked as she filled Cat’s vacant seat on the couch.

“We’re having our weekly dinner,” Nanna said while scribbling in her crossword puzzle.

“Well, isn’t that nice,” her mother said while clearly meaning the exact opposite, going by the look on her face.

“Just reach out to the man and work things out, Brenda. You’ll do everyone a favor,” Nanna said.

“We’re out of here,” Cat said as she pulled Nora from the couch. She’d heard this endless discussion countless of times over the years. Nothing would ever change.