“Today, I need to move forward, and today is the day I want to close that chapter of my life.” I say with a strong voice and calm nature.
“I’ll call Matty and Trigger. They are still at the house waiting for the call. I will have them get our guest ready.” He pulls out his phone, dials one of their numbers, and steps to the side. I'm sure there are details he wasn't aware of that he isn't sure I should hear just yet.
He told me that the last time he checked in with the guys, my father and Ricky were still there, keeping Ronnie company and waiting for us. I'm still trying to figure out how I should handle my father. I don't want to forgive him as I stand, but that six-year-old girl inside me wants to forgive him with open arms.
- Reese -
“Is everything okay?” Matty answers the phone with a worried, filled tone. Something happened, and they haven't told me. What the fuck are these two assholes hiding from me?
“Yes, Rose wants to speak to Ronnie and end all of this today.” I keep my expressions minimal so as not to set off my suspicions.
“We may have a problem with that.” Matty says with a shaky voice, causing my calm demeanor to change rapidly.
“What do you mean?” I ask through gritted teeth.
He takes a deep breath, knowing Matty, he is now pacing the floors and rubbing his neck. “Well, he started to talk about some of the things he did to Rose in the past. Let’s just say Rick didn’t take it well, and Ronnie isn’t looking too good right now, man.” He tells me all with one exhaled breath.
“Shit, you need to keep him alive. Rose needs closure from this part of her life. I will get her there now.” I hang up the phone as I speed back to my Goddess.
I find her getting dressed in a pair of jeans and a tight shirt. Her movements stay slow to hide the pain, but I can see her eyes squinting when the pain hits her. She looks breathtaking as always, but there is something in her I can't quite read.
If only we had more time and she was healed, I would rip her clothes back off and worship her body the way she deserves. She laughs a little at my reaction to her and walks over, wrapping her arms around me. Her touch is all I will ever need in my life.
I tell her everything Matty told me, which causes her to move as fast as she can to my car. She needs this so badly to start over in her life. I hope he didn’t ruin this for her. I end up picking her up and carrying her to get there faster. Everything I am doing is for her. I hope she sees that.
I put her into the car's passenger seat and ran to the driver's seat. I will kill him if she loses this moment because of her father. We didn't say a word as I sped through the streets, returning to that old abandoned house.
The moment we pulled into the driveway, she tried to jump out. I stopped her by grabbing her hand and shaking my head before getting out. I go to her side and pick her up, carrying her into the house with my legs moving at a new pace.
- Rose -
When we get inside, Matty and Trigger are staring at Ronnie. I take a look before closing my eyes. He is still alive but beaten pretty badly. I can only imagine what he said to my father, but this isn't his burden to handle.
I grab Ronnies hand as hard as I can squeeze it tight. “Oh, I'm sorry. Did that hurt you?” I give him puppy dog eyes, acting as if I care.
“Just fucking do it already, Rose.” His voice is full of pain and agony.
“Slow down, Ronnie. There is no need to rush the inevitable just yet.” I tap his cheek with my hand as a wicked grin goes on my face. “We need to have a little chat first.”
“I’m not talking.” He sounds winded and exhausted.
“Oh, but I think you will.” I squeeze his hand, making him scream out in agony.
“What happened to you?” He asks through his gritted teeth.
“You did! I was never this person until I met you!” My chest begins to rise and fall faster as the anger grows. “Do you know why I picked your hands and shoulders?”
He nods, but that isn’t good enough. “I want to hear you say it!” My voice shakes as I scream out at him.
“Yes.” He tries to look away, but I grab his chin, forcing him to look at me. He knows what I want. “Because I held your hands down and kissed your shoulder before I made you have sex with me the first time.”
My breathing becomes erratic as the memory runs through. “You didn't make me! You fucking forced me! You took something away from me that you should never have had to begin with!” My body begins to shake with rage. “Tell us all what happened next, Ronnie!”
“You began to cry, so I kicked you in the stomach to get you to shut up.” The memory plays through his head, and I see the look of satisfaction wash over his face.
“You turned me into this. I’ve done nothing but imagine this since the day I finally left. Now I’m the one taking my time with you.” I will drag this out as long as I can. He doesn't deserve the sympathy of dying quickly.
I look up and see Reese fuming with his rage. If looks could kill, Ronnie would die by Reese's stare alone. I will ensure he never touches or harms another woman as he did to me.