Chapter 26

- Rose -

The only thing he hasn't spoken about I’m not sure I'm ready to hear. He took away something from me that I will never get back. I made peace with that, but I wasn't sure I wanted anyone to know what he did.

I pulled up a chair and sat facing him. “Is there anything else you want to add?” I am looking for one specific moment that he has yet to mention.

“I’m sorry for…” I put my hand up, stopping him.

“You don't get to apologize for that. I will ensure you feel the pain I felt when you apologize.” Reese gives me a look of suspicion, and I know he will ask later. I don't want him to ask questions, but I want all the answers to be in the open so I never have to speak of the events again.

“Then what do you want from me, Rose? I can't apologize for what I did if you don't let me. I hate that I had to do what I did, but it was the only way to ensure you never had the strength to move forward.” He starts to get louder with every word. That was his reason?! Such a pathetic man and a waste of life is what he is.

“I want to watch your life leave your eyes, and I want it to be slow.” I stand up and grip the arms of his chair, leaning forward closer to him. “I want my face to be the last thing you see so you know what kind of monster you have created.” I tighten my grip, and my knuckles begin to turn white.

A look of horror shines on his face as he stares at me. I'm not the woman he met. Instead, I am the one he fears. “You have become a demon in this world.” His voice shakes, and his eyes grow wide.

“Honey, you never did like me before.” I flash my teeth with an evil smile. “Are you saying you like me now?” I ask him as sweetly as I can.

“No, I don’t like this version of you at all. I’m sorry for changing you into a different person.” He shows sincerity in his words, but all I can do is laugh.

“You didn’t change me, Ronnie.” I let go of his chair and stood straight, looking down at him. “You woke up the beast living inside of me.

I look at Reese and notice the worry etched across his face. I know he doesn't recognize me right now because I don't even recognize myself. It feels like a person was living inside me for years and finally broke free.

- Reese -

What Ronnie did to Rose has the rage boiling inside of me. No man should ever feel they have control or power over a woman. Seeing her like this, though, makes my cock harder than ever. She is not only my light in this world but also my second darkness.

She stares at me with her eyes almost red with fire. I need to speak and see what’s next, but I’m actually terrified.

“What would you like to do next?” I break the silence, but she doesn't snap out of her trance.

“I need to watch the life leave his body, and he knows why. I want to do it, but I can’t. I won’t let him change me into a killer.” She breathes heavily as the words fall out.

“How do you want me to do this, baby?” I take her hand in mine, hoping to find a little bit of my Rose inside.

“Are you sure you are okay with doing this for me?” Her voice changes to a soft tone.

“I will move mountains for you. If this is what you need, I will do it.” I kiss her knuckles softly to remind her I'm here. Her soft eyes ask the question her voice won't. “He is already within my code, and I don’t know what happened. I know enough to say he deserves this death more than any other man I've seen.” Her head softly nods in acknowledgment.

She looks between Ronnie and I, seeing the two very different men that have been in her life. One of us is the man who caused her nightmares and fears. While the other is the man who gives her the strength to fight and be who she wants to be.

“He might not have the correct body parts needed for what I have planned, but he has something else.” She looks around the room, finding all the tools on the table. “Reese, I want you to cut off his dick.”

I instantly grab mine and whimper. I don't pity this man because I'm sure he deserves this. I can't help but wonder, though. What did he do to her?

“Anything you need.” I say as I walk over to the table, grab a knife, and look it over.

I walk over to Ronnie twirling the knife in between my fingers. The adrenaline slowly pumps through my veins. I'm not usually one for torture, but I'm looking forward to it right now.

I nod my head to Matty as he stands in the corner of the room. He instantly picks up what I'm saying and holds Ronnies shoulders back, keeping him from squirming. I cut open his pants and briefs before grabbing his tiny, insignificant cock in my hand. Matty and I laugh at the size, making Ronnie shake in anger.

I cut off his member in one swift motion, causing him to scream in pain and agony. I notice Rose close her eyes, accepting his cries in her ears with a smile. She is finding her peace with the musical sound.

“It's not nearly close to what you took from me, but it will have to do. Now I’m going to sit here watching you slowly bleed out and then watch life leave you.” She grabs the chair once again before sitting in front of him.

“I'm sorry, Rose…” He takes deep breaths as he looks up at her. “It wasn't only yours, though.” I can see what he is doing to her in his eyes. He wants to break her down.