Page 42 of Corrupt Princess


Calli told me what happened. Silly, silly boy.

I can hear her voice as clear in my head as if she was standing right beside me. I hang my head in defeat, because she’s not wrong.

I hope you’re feeling better, even if the regrets of your actions are smacking you upside the head right now.

I’ve made your favourites for your recovery. You will find more in both your fridge and freezer. If you need any more or fancy anything different, you know where I am.

I’ve also organised something for you for tomorrow morning. Your buzzer will go off at 9 a.m. sharp. Be up, be ready, and be brave.

Everyone needs you right now, Nico. None more so than Calli.

If you need anything, call me.

All my love,


“Fucking hell,” I mutter, my voice cracked with emotion as tears burn my damn eyes.

I’m not sure Jocelyn will ever truly understand what she means to us.

The fact she’s standing by us right now while our worlds are turning to shit is everything.

I might hate that she’s still working for our mum, but I can only assume that there’s a reason. Jocelyn isn’t stupid. She also isn’t greedy, so I know she isn’t hanging around for the money. Hell, Calli and I could match her pay and keep her for ourselves, but something tells me she wouldn’t be up for it. For some reason, she loves her job and is more than willing to put up with our mother. It’s more than can be said for her own children.

Finally, I pull the lid off one of the tins and stuff a homemade chocolate chip cookie in my mouth before starting my coffee machine and taking myself through to my bedroom.

The worst of the nightmare I caused this weekend might be over, but there’s still a fucking long way to go until I’m going to feel anything like my old self again. Honestly, I don’t even know where to start to try and dig him out. But I know I have to.

This weekend was a wake-up call that I really shouldn’t have needed.

If I continue on this angry, self-destructive path, then I’m only going to end up in one place.

The ground beside Dad. And while there might be parts of that fantasy that sound all kinds of appealing, it’s not enough to make me want it more than life.

I’m not ready to give up yet.

I’ve got revenge to deliver on the Italians and a woman who deserves the best apology I can give her… If I can figure out what that might look like.



“We’ve got you,” Jodie whispers in my ear as we step inside the lift, feeling me trembling beside her.

“I know,” I say weakly.

Honestly, I know that walking away from Nico like that was the right thing to do. Really, I should have sent him away the second I woke and found him beside me, but for some reason I couldn’t do it.

But letting him escort me back to his building really wasn’t going to happen.

I haven’t forgiven him, and I certainly haven’t forgotten, and I have no desire to allow him to believe that could happen anytime soon. Right now, I’m struggling to forget just how reckless he was Friday night after he dragged me into his car.

He was pissed, I get that.

I’ve been keeping a huge secret from him. But it wasn’t my place back then, and it’s still not my place now to tell him what I know.