Page 43 of Corrupt Princess

But I also can’t deny that I should never have allowed him to find out quite so easily.

Leaving my message previews on was stupid, and I was asking for trouble. But hindsight is a great thing.

The second Calli hits the button for the ground floor, she comes to stand on my other side.

“He deserved that.”

“Yeah, I know. Doesn’t mean it was easy, though.” A pained sigh slips past my lips and the three of us ride the rest of the way in silence.

I’m guided out of the lift and straight through the double doors where there’s a blacked-out SUV waiting at the curb.

Memories of trying to walk out of the lift in their building not so long ago and walking straight into Nico slam into me. Despite knowing that he isn’t here, that he couldn’t have possibly beaten us down here, the temptation to turn around and check burns through me.

“Brianna?” Jodie questions, and it’s not until her voice flows through my ears that I realise I’ve stopped.

Finally, I look back. But just like I already knew, he’s not there.

He hasn’t followed me.

And he’s not going to either.

He read my silent warning loud and clear, and he hasn’t come to chase me.

Pain cuts through my chest as I picture his face before I turned away from him.

“S-sorry. Let’s go.”

Her eyes narrow as she studies me. She might think I’m crazy for caring about him, but also, I know she gets it. What she went through with Toby was… less than conventional, so I know she’ll never judge me for doubting my decision to walk away from him. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to voice it right now.

“You sure?”

“Yeah. I’m ready to be done with this place.”

She leads me toward the car where Calli is waiting with the door open. There’s a suited driver standing just a few feet away, but he’s paying us little attention. Instead, his eyes are everywhere.

The thought of us being in danger makes my heart jump into my throat.

“Ignore him,” Calli whispers when I get closer. “The guys are just being overprotective.”

As I awkwardly slide into the back of the massive car, I can’t help but think of everything I’ve done since that Italian strike the night of Calli’s mum’s birthday. I’ve been walking around the city like everything is normal.

That was really stupid… wasn’t it?

“Are you okay?” Calli asks, climbing in beside me.

“H-has something happened?” I whisper. “With the Italians?”

“No, not that I’m aware of, why?”

“That guy, he looks like security.”

“He is.” She leans in a little closer. “Don’t tell Stella or Emmie, but the guys have details on all of us right now.”

“What?” I gasp as Jodie joins us.

“Take it as a compliment,” she says, squeezing my hand in support.

“Even me?” I ask, my brows knitting together.