Page 66 of Corrupt Princess

“Depends if we decide to find out,” Calli says.

“And will you?”



I shake my head at them as Calli yawns.

“Shit, what time is it?”

“Two a.m.,” she says, padding over to Daemon and stealing the bottle he’s drinking from.

She snuggles into his side and tips it to her lips while he watches her with a look of complete adoration on his face.

“I’m sorry for barging in,” I say quietly.

Honestly, my head is still reeling with this discovery, but seeing them together, happy, it makes some of my anger over the whole thing dissipate.

It might be Jade’s influence, but I’m dealing with this way better than I did last week. That or nearly killing both of us has given me somewhat of a reality check.

There could be a hell of a lot worse things to happen than my sister being blissfully happy and pregnant in a relationship.

When she yawns again, I’m reminded that I should be leaving.

“I’m gonna let you go back to bed.”

Calli studies me as I move toward the door.

“You’re really calm,” Calli says, her brows knitting together. “Should we be worried that you’re about to leave and throw yourself off the building or something?”

I can’t help but laugh.

“No. I’m okay, Cal. I’m… I’m happy for you.” A lump crawls up my throat. It’s so huge that I almost don’t manage to get the next few words past it. “Dad would be really happy for you.”

Tears immediately flood her eyes.

“Does Mum know?” I ask, although I’m pretty sure I already know the answer.

“No. And I’m happy for it to stay that way.”

“You’ve got it. She doesn’t deserve it, anyway. Your little soldier is going to be surrounded by people who love him. He doesn’t need her either.”

“Please don’t tell them yet either,” Daemon says. “We wanted you to know first, and now you do, we’ll announce it.”

“Whatever you want.”

“And please, don’t go too hard on Brianna because of this. She’s been like the sister I never had.” Her words are like a solid punch to the heart. “So if you could man up and make that situation a reality, I’d be totally here for it.”

“Jesus,” I mutter, combing my fingers through my messy hair. “She won’t talk to me right now, let alone marry me.”

The widest, most genuine smile lights up Calli’s face.

“You didn’t argue or deny you want it,” she breathes, and I immediately realise my mistake.

“Cal,” I warn darkly. “Stop letting that imagination of yours run away with itself.”
