Page 65 of Corrupt Princess

But this time, I’m not angry. I’m not livid that he’s knocked my teenage sister up. I’m relieved. Relieved that she has his total dedication and support. His love.

I see it shining in his dark and deadly eyes. He loves her like he’s never loved anything in his life. She literally comes above anything and everything else.

“Here,” Calli says softly, handing me a row of small black-and-white images. “These were taken on Friday. I had a little bleeding and Daemon freaked out and demanded we have a scan the second we turned up at the hospital.”

“As he should,” I agree. “You’re carrying precious cargo. These things need checking.”

“See?” Daemon says smugly, making my sister roll her eyes.

“How far are you?”

“Almost nine weeks. Due twenty-eighth of December.”

“That’s some Christmas gift,” I mutter, staring down at the almost indecipherable image before me.

“He’s there,” Daemon points out, his fingertip landing exactly where I’m looking.

“Yeah. I see… him?”

“Obviously,” Daemon states. “Cirillos’ next best underboss hanging out in there.”

“Next best?” I ask, my brows hitting my hairline.

Daemon snorts in a very un-Daemon-like way before he slaps my back.

“With a father like me and an uncle like you, what else is he going to be?”

Can’t really argue with logic like that but—

“My little sister is growing the devil’s child,” I mutter under my breath as he marches toward the kitchen.

“You’re all missing something,” Calli says, snatching her scan images back.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, your future underboss is a girl.”

“Nah, I’m with Daemon on this. Definitely a boy.”

“Nope. We’re in the twenty-first century, it’s about time the mafia was taken over by a bad-arse female. Just think, if Emmie and Theo have a girl first, the entire Family could be under female control,” Calli muses.

“Uh… that isn’t how it works, Cal. It’s a firstborn boy who gets the power.”

“Right now it is. But things can change. You and Theo will have the power. And if Emmie has anything to do with it, she’ll squeeze Theo’s balls so hard he won’t have a choice but to give his baby girl all the power.”

“There’s a lot of ifs in this plan, Cal.”

She shrugs, not fazed by this crazy arse idea that’s running around her head. “I’m confident.”

I look over at Daemon for some kind of backup. There’s no way he’ll want his baby girl—if that’s what they have—anywhere near that kind of danger, but he looks equally as relaxed as Calli right now as he pulls a smoothie from the fridge.

Realisation hits me upside the head, and I feel like a moron for not putting two and two together faster.

“That’s why your fridge looks like a health food shop threw up in it.”

“Only the best for our boy,” Daemon teases.

“Nine weeks,” I muse. “So we have what… like, thirty more to argue like this?”