The only person who could do that would be Tristan. But he didn’t know about my plans to go study in New York City, so I didn’t see how or why he would do that.

My family was finally doing well again, and we were closer than ever. I didn’t want Rebecca Adler messing things up again, so I’d stayed clear from them–including Tristan. It had been difficult, and the loneliness was close to impossible to bear. But I’d made it through.

Of course, I knew I was going to have to talk to him and see him again, and soon. The pregnancy was progressing, and I’d felt a stab of regret and hurt that I hadn’t invited him to my last doctor’s appointment. I wanted to start involving him in this, but I was still finding my way.

“I don’t think so,” I answered Mason, shaking my head. “I mean, Tristan is the only one who possibly could have. You don’t think he’d do that, would he?”

Mason just looked at me like I was the world’s biggest idiot.

“Yes,” he said, slowly. “You should really go talk to him. He’s been having a hard time being apart from you, but he’s trying to give you space. So if you want to talk to him, you’ll have to be the one to reach out.”

I never thought I’d see the day when Mason actively tried to get me and Tristan together. It was great knowing they had patched up their friendship and were still going strong.

“Then I guess I should probably head over and thank him. Or, well, at least find out if he actually did anything,” I said, motioning toward next door.

“Yeah, you do that,” my mom said, also looking at me like I was missing a brain cell or two.

When did this turn around? I felt like it was just yesterday we were sneaking around and now I was being encouraged to go talk to him. I thought about that on the walk next door.

My palms were sweating with anxiety, nerves, and the Kentucky summer heat as I reached William and Grace’s front door. I quickly swiped them down the front of my shorts in a futile attempt to dry them off.

Before I lost my nerve, I rang the doorbell.

It was a few seconds before I heard someone approaching. I could tell by the confident footsteps it was Tristan, and when the door swung open, I was not disappointed.

He stood there in a pair of gray exercise shorts slung low on his hips and nothing else. Well, except for the dirt all over his hands. He had probably done some gardening. He would have been planning to take a shower soon. The warm water would drip down his body…

Focus, Arya.

Tristan was looking at me, slightly shocked that I was there.

“Arya, hi,” he said, cautiously as he leaned on the door frame.

We really hadn’t seen each other in almost two weeks, despite him staying next door. We hadn’t spoken either, and every moment we weren't together had been pure torture.

“Hey,” I said, trying to force my eyes away from his bare chest. God, he looked good.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” The tiny sparkle of humor in his eyes confirmed that he could tell I was shamelessly ogling him.

“I need to talk to you,” I said, gathering my dignity and looking him in the eye. “Do you have a few minutes?”

“For you, I have all the time in the world,” he said, opening the door wider for me to step in.

The house was unusually quiet.

“Where's everyone?”

“Out and about,” he said vaguely. I was a little put off, but took the seat he offered at the counter.

He leaned on the counter across from me, which put me about eye level with his nipples.

Oh boy, getting through this conversation was going to be difficult. I wished I could ask him to put on a shirt, but part of me didn’t want him to cover up. I was enjoying the view too much. Knowing we were alone had my mind going in some very naughty directions.

“I’m sorry that I’ve been avoiding you,” I said, getting straight to the point. I needed to get out of here quickly, before I acted on these hormone-fueled desires.

“Don’t be sorry,” he said. “You’re allowed to avoid me.” His sexy smirk was just about to cause my downfall.

But his comment made me feel terrible. I did have a choice, and I chose to not reach out to him.