“You didn’t, by chance, make a call to someone at Palate Culinary School?” I asked, peeking at him through my lashes. If I let my eyeballs get a full glimpse, I knew I’d be a goner. “I came to tell you that I’m headed to New York for a bit. But I’m wondering if you already knew that.”

“I’d do anything for you, Arya,” he said, looking at me with his beautiful eyes. I forgot how I could get lost in the depth of that deep brown that swallowed me up every time he looked at me. But I broke eye contact, determined not to give in just now. “A phone call is the least I could do. I’d move heaven and earth for you to be happy, and I want you to know that. I love you and I’ll always love you.”

This wasn’t helping.

“Well, thank you, I guess,” I said, awkwardly. I was completely unsure how to respond to him.

He walked around the counter and pulled me up from the chair. Tristan brought me into his chest for the hug I had been longing for. His touch felt like home, and I was more comfortable than I had been in a long time. He gently tilted my head to face his and his lips lightly brushed mine, sparks shooting through me. The kiss deepened, and I felt myself falling. The truth slipped past my lips before I could stop the words.

“I’ll always love you, too, Tristan Adler,” I whispered.

He kissed me again, lifting me off the ground and into his arms as if I weighed nothing. He carried me like I wasn’t a burden, like I hadn’t been causing him pain for weeks.

Before I knew it, we were in his bedroom and he was moving gently over me. The sex was different this time. It was almost heartbreaking. I couldn’t tell if it was the beginning or the end of us. But I felt hopeful.

“I’m going to miss you,” I whispered in his ear.

“I’ll fly in as often as I can,” he said, kissing me tenderly. “All you have to do is pick up the phone and tell me to come, and I’ll be there.”

His promise had my heart soaring.

“I want to, but…your parents.”

“Don’t worry about them. They won’t be bothering us anymore.”

I didn't know what to say; I had so many questions. But now wasn't the time. Breathless moans replaced conversation until we both peaked and he pulled me in close. My eyes fluttered shut for a few moments as I let myself dare to dream about a future with Tristan.

Now I had the chance for those dreams to come true and finally be with the man I loved. What did Mom say?

'Sometimes uncertainty can be exciting, as long as you go forward, trusting the best will come.'

I promise to do exactly that.



Somuchhadhappenedover the last few months, I couldn’t believe how different life was for us now. Shiloh and I lived in Bardstown permanently. I bought a house, Arya moved in, and Shiloh loved being closer to her grandparents and great grandparents.

Arya and I haven't had to be apart very much. During her term in New York, I took the opportunity to wrap up my day-to-day involvement with the corporation. She stayed with me in my Manhattan apartment, and we got the first taste of living together. Despite her busy studies and growing belly, we made the most of it. In and out of the sheets.

I substantially reduced my involvement with the corporation as I created the role of advisor and, although I still stay on top of financial results, I only have to go in quarterly. The executive team has been amazing and we continue to grow and open clinics and rehabilitation centers across America.

I was able to get back to my first love: surgery. I thought about buying one of the buildings that Zara showed me, but I decided to buy all the old warehouses in the center of town. It's going to take a while to renovate all of them, but I put together a plan with the Town Council and my investment will be a part of the whole revitalization of the area. Right now, I created a group of three surgical suites and a rehabilitation area to support my work. I've been able to attract nurses and physiotherapists who are attracted to small-town living, but just didn't have the opportunity until now.

Kentucky even charmed Regina, and she decided to move to Louisville to make it possible for me to be with Arya. She wasn’t a small-town girl, and she loved the city life, so she liked the faster pace of Louisville. She had a boyfriend, Martin, and they were getting pretty serious, even talking about moving in together. He was great and Shiloh loved him. Regina also bought a house in Bardstown so that she could practice out of one of my surgical suites during the weeks she was with Shiloh so Shiloh's routine wasn't too messed up. She would then go back to Louisville in between. Best of both worlds, I guess.

Shiloh stayed back with Pop and Gram and started going to school in Bardstown while Regina and I sorted our professional lives out. She loved being the center of attention.

Arya ended up graduating top of her class and put her newfound baking and business skills into action right away at the bakery. Now it's growing bigger than it ever has been, with Arya and Mason leading the charge.

Dad quickly realized he couldn't run the distillery without Mason. Mason knew that business inside and out and since Dad had long given up the reins to Mason, he found himself on the left foot. I heard that he tried to get Mason back, even doubling his salary, but to no avail. Mason had set his sights on to the bakery. I'd never seen that jerk so happy before. Dad was still scrambling, but maybe it would keep him young at heart.

Mason had applied his knowledge of business management and product development to expand some of the bakery offerings. Between him and Arya, some of their items had even gone viral, and they boasted a large following on social media. They were starting to look for where they could open a second shop in Louisville and were making plans for future locations across the region. My experience with franchising came in handy and plans for expansion were right on track.

Gram’s osteoporosis was getting worse and her condition wasn’t looking good, but between Regina and I, we've planned some surgery and rehabilitation to get her back on her feet. She has always been a tough cookie and we want her to keep enjoying life to the fullest with Pop.

My parents still couldn't accept Arya and me being together, but my mom was slowly starting to love the idea of having another grandchild. I knew she was looking for something more to do since she had been kicked off the fundraising committee for the Crosby building plus the town book club. Apparently the few customers in the bakery who overheard the discussion between her and Arya have set the rest of the townfolk straight. Mom's going to have to lie low for a bit and eat some humble pie (literally it's a choice at the bakery – inside joke, you know) and wait for things to die down.