Groaning, I headed for the shower. It had been a long time since just the thought of a woman had me getting hard like this. I turned the water to cold–my skin was already feeling overheated, and we had another hot day in store. I needed to cool myself down.

I couldn’t stop thinking about whether or not I’d see Arya again. I knew we’d need to talk about what happened and, based on her reaction this morning, I didn’t know if I looked forward to that.

Thoughts of Arya consumed all of my brain cells, when what I should have been thinking about was what to do with Shiloh. That was why I was here, to spend more time with her.

I quickly finished my shower, got dressed, and headed downstairs, looking for breakfast.

Shelby, the new housekeeper, was clearing away dishes while Shiloh and Gram were baking in the kitchen. I grabbed a banana from the bowl on the counter and walked over to Shiloh, dropping a kiss on the top of her head, and kissed Gram on the cheek.

“Morning, everyone,” I said cheerfully.

“You’re up late, Daddy.” Shiloh giggled while mixing the batter in the bowl next to Gram. “I was going to wake you up, but Gram wouldn’t let me. So we’re making brownies.”

My mind stuck on Gram not letting Shiloh come into my room. Did she know someone had been in there with me last night? Did she know it was Arya? I didn’t think my grandparents would mind if Arya had been there–Gram seemed clear that she thought I should spend time with her this summer–but it still made me feel a little uneasy. I wasn’t ready for anyone–especially my parents–to know until Arya and I had talked and worked things out. I was sure my Gram wouldn’t say anything, though. I shook the thoughts from my head and turned my attention to the housekeeper, who was busy washing the dishes.

“Hi, I’m Tristan,” I said to the housekeeper, giving her a friendly wave. “It’s nice to officially meet you. Thank you for starting so soon.”

“Thank you for the opportunity. I’m Shelby.”

Shelby was probably about twenty, and I knew she was home on summer break from college. I noticed she was very average looking, but cute. She had short, brown hair and green eyes. She wore plain black shorts and a University of Kentucky t-shirt that looked old and faded. But she was nothing like Arya and I didn’t feel even a twinge of desire toward her, further proof that it was Arya I wanted, not just another hook up.

“I figured you’d had quite the night,” Gram said, bringing the conversation back to the topic I definitely didn’t want to discuss. “I heard you come home late.”

“Yeah, Mason and I had fun,” I lied, wishing I said nothing instead.

“Mason, huh?” Gram was suspicious. “Did he sleepover? I heard two sets of footsteps last night.”

She looked at me with a sparkle in her eye and a wry smile that said she was teasing me.

“That must just be your old age hearing, Gram. Mason didn't stay over.” I winked back at her.

I snagged a pancake and a few strips of bacon from the plate left sitting on the counter and walked over to the microwave to heat them up. When they were warm, I sat in the chair at the counter and ate while Shiloh and Gram continued baking.

“Daddy, does Arya still work here?” Shiloh seemed sad that she wasn’t here. Arya sure made an impression on my daughter. I didn’t know how I felt about that after last night. I don't introduce Shiloh to any of my hook-ups. She doesn't need to get attached to anyone who might not be around for a long time. But Arya wasn’t just anyone, right?

“Arya will still work here. Shelby is just helping, too.”

“Can I see her today?” I could never say no to Shiloh’s puppy eyes, and she knew it.

“We can probably visit her later today.”

“Maybe you can bring her some flowers,” Gram suggested, smirking. She totally knew it was Arya who was here last night, and she was testing me. Smartest woman in the world.

“Sure, how does that sound, Shiloh? Should we get Arya some flowers? And maybe bring her some brownies?”

“Yes!” Shiloh exclaimed.

“Okay, it’s a plan. We’re going to spend some time with Grandma today, but we’ll get some flowers at the farmer’s market and visit Arya later.”

We all chatted in the kitchen while Gram and Shiloh finished baking the brownies. But thoughts of Arya ran in the back of my mind. What if she didn’t feel the same way about me? What if starting anything with her had been a terrible decision? A failed relationship had so many implications. From her reaction this morning, maybe she was regretting everything.

And the hardest thought of all–was my life too complicated for her?

I shook my head at the thoughts and tried not to worry about what was going to happen when I showed up at Arya’s later with flowers, brownies, and my four-year-old daughter.

Chapter 7
