“Morning,”IcalledtoMom, who was sitting at the counter reading something on her phone and drinking a cup of coffee.

She looked up at me, confused, and glanced at the clock on the stove.

“Where have you been? Did you not come home last night?” She didn’t sound angry, more surprised.

“Yeah, I was at Katie’s, and it got late, so I just crashed there. I should have called or texted. I’m sorry.” I felt bad lying to my mom. She didn’t deserve it, but I couldn’t tell her yet.

“That’s okay, you’re an adult,” she said, but concern was etched on her face. She hesitated for a moment before continuing. “You’re sure you were at Katie’s?”

My stomach dropped. She knew.

“You know how much better off I think you are without any of your exes, right?” she added quickly. “I’d hate to see you go back to someone in your past just because you’re lonely.”

“Don’t worry, Mom,” I said, chuckling. “I’m well aware of that and have no intention of ever talking to or seeing any of my exes again. I know this town is small, but a girl has to have her standards.”

“Good,” she said, smiling. She looked a little relieved. “Are you seeing anyone? It’s been so long since we’ve been able to get caught up. I’ve been so busy with the bakery and I’m really sorry for that. I should be around for you and Mason more often.”

I was so proud of my mom and the business she started. There had been a lot of years of struggling after my dad died, but her bakery became a success and she did a lot of catering and events in the area. But it still took a lot of her time. I was concerned and wished she could slow down a little. She kept saying that she’d be able to hire more help soon, and she could now, but I think she also really enjoyed what she did.

“No, I’m not seeing anyone,” I said, shaking my head and pouring myself a cup of coffee. “I’ll let you know when I am, though. Right now, I’m just enjoying being on my own and figuring things out.”

It wasn’t a total lie. I was trying to figure things out, and thanks to the deal I made with Tristan, I could spend more time thinking about it.

“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

Shit. I hadn’t thought about what to tell my mom about why I wasn’t working so much.

“Day off,” I said simply.

“You deserve it,” she said, getting up and rinsing her cup in the sink before putting it in the dishwasher. She walked over and kissed the top of my head. “On your next day off, we should plan to do something together, okay? I wish I could today, but we have a big party tomorrow with a hundred cupcakes that need decorating.”

“Yeah, definitely, Mom. I’d love that.”

She walked out of the room and left me with my thoughts. It had been a long time since I had an entire day to myself. I thought about texting Katie and seeing if she’d be free to meet for lunch. I could definitely use a vent session.

And she was always on the side of having more fun. She’d definitely encourage me to keep things going with Tristan, and I think that’s what I wanted to hear.

I went upstairs to shower and get dressed. As I was drying my hair, I already started to feel better about the Tristan situation. We were adults, and the people in our lives would ultimately be supportive, if our relationship went anywhere.

And if it didn’t go anywhere, it would still be one hell of a summer if last night was any indication.

With an extra bounce in my step, I took a quick shower, shimmied into a sundress, swiped on some lipstick, and felt myself shimmer with confidence.

Yeah, I was definitely going to have some fun with Tristan.


Shiloh had talked me into going to see Arya before she went to my parents. She was persistent and really knew how to get her way. I was definitely in trouble.

I couldn’t remember the last time I was so nervous to talk to a girl. As I reached the front porch, I suddenly worried if Mason would be here. He owned his own house, but he mentioned that he’d been spending a lot of time here since his last breakup. I had no idea what I’d tell him if he saw the flowers and brownies for his little sister.

Shiloh held my hand. She’d spent the entire walk over telling me all about the movie she’d watched with Gram last night while I was out with Arya. I couldn’t keep track of the storyline, but my responses must have been convincing enough because she didn’t skip a beat.

Shiloh insisted on pushing the doorbell and it swung open quickly. Ellen McKenna was on the other side. I hadn’t thought about this possibility for some reason.

“Oh, Tristan!” she exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. She had always been so warm, comforting, and…maternal. She was the complete opposite of my own mother.

“Hi, Mrs. McKenna,” I said, as I hugged her back.