“What’s up? I also know that something has happened when my little sister calls me asking me for lunch.” I peered at her over my sunglasses.

“Mom is becoming unmanageable. I’m having trouble getting through my studies because she constantly demands me to do everything for her, Addison, take out the trash. Addison bring me something to drink. Addison, where is my dinner? It’s like this every single second I am home.” She was shaking her head. “And her derogatory remarks? I can’t take it anymore, sis. What am I going to do?” Addison’s beautiful features seemed so clouded by worry that my heart broke for her. I knew firsthand how awful it was to live with our alcoholic mother.

“I’m sorry, Addy. Is she still working at the pub?” I took a sip of my pina colada. Correction, I took a long chug, causing my brain to freeze. I rubbed my temples.

“No, she got fired. She’s back on unemployment, spending it all on alcohol and drugs,” Addison informed me.

“Dammit! Why can’t she get her shit together? I’ve tried many times to bail her out and get her straight. She was on such a good path there for a little while; she had a decent job, that cute apartment I got you guys. She was in a good relationship, sober and clean for almost a year. What happened?”

“Danny broke up with her, and she went down again,” she said.

I shook my head. Our mother was a lost case. I had tried so many times to help her straighten out her life already, but she kept going back to the bottle and drugs. I had to do something, though.

“Humm. We've got a spare room now that Lila moved into Evan’s house. I could ask Lila, Shellene and Remi if they don’t mind you coming to live with us. The condo is still Lila’s after all. And the girls have a say in who moves in too, since they live there.”

Addison’s eyes grew huge, and a grin overtook her face. “Really?”

I smiled and nodded. “Yes, of course. Do you have any tests or anything tomorrow?”

Addison shook her head. “Nothing. The schedule is clear.”

“If the girls agree, we’ll pick you up tomorrow around three. Either way, I’ll find you a place. You can’t stay at mom’s any longer. Think you can be packed by then?”

Her head bobbed up and down with excitement. “Oh, Darcy. Thank you so much. I didn’t know how much more of her I could take.”

“No worries, Addy. I understand all too well what you’re dealing with. I’m here for you, always.” I thought of Addy as more of a daughter than a sister. I had for many years now. I proceeded to text my friends to ask if Addison would be a good roommate candidate.

On my way home, I thought about what it would be like to have my sister living with me, where I could always keep an eye on her, and what it would be like to have my arch enemy living right next door. The good would outweigh the bad, I hoped.



When I peered out the window, I saw Darcy get out of her white SUV. I was amazed at how every time I saw her it seemed like I was seeing her for the first time. I could never get over how incredibly feminine and sexy she was. Another girl I’d never seen before got out of the passenger’s seat. She looked just like Darcy but younger. I was intrigued. I watched as the two women opened the trunk and started carrying several bags to the house. That was strange.What is going on?Several minutes later, Shellene, Remi, Darcy, and the mystery girl returned to the truck and started unloading what seemed to be a bed frame. I smirked as I watched the four girls try and figure out how to maneuver the pieces into the house—somehow it managed to be funnyandsexy. I simplyhadto be part of this.

I waited until they were inside before I went to her SUV and grabbed some bags. On my way into the house, Shellene caught me as she walked back out to grab more things. “Hello, stranger. What brings you over here?”

I smiled at her. Shellene was my absolute favorite of the girls, apart from my sister, of course. She was so incredibly sweet and drop-dead gorgeous. That was exactly why I could never date her. I would break her heart, that was for sure. I was the lion, and she would be the lamb. I’d devour her before she even knew what hit her. No, best to stay far away from that fox.Too damn bad because I’d love to get myself some of that.

Next, I saw Remi at the top of the stairs. She wrinkled her face. “Thane. You’re certainly over here a lot lately.” She looked at what I was carrying and pointed to the far end of the hall. “Thanks for the help. Over there, room on the left.”

“Just doing my neighborly duties,” I informed her and smiled. Remi was the jokester of the bunch, always making everyone laugh and forget their troubles. Her deep red hair and moss-green eyes were all sexy and sass, right down to the bone. I imagined that sex with her would be amazing with her playful nature, but I had a rule never to date redheads. They were too much of a handful. At least, all the ones I’d met in my life were. I’d dated one while in the Navy SEALs, and she was mischievous. Her fiery nature got me into trouble on more than one occasion. I shook my head.Nah, not ever going there again.

I went into the bedroom and started putting the bed together without being asked. I wondered where Darcy and her “friend” went. I was very curious to know who the new woman was.

I didn’t have to wait long. Darcy’s doppelganger walked into the room and smiled widely at me. “Wow. Who are you? I had no idea such a handsome man would be helping me get my room together. Had I known, I would’ve cared more about my appearance.” She batted her eyelashes at me, her smile widening into a grin. She was beautiful in an innocent kind of way.Uh oh. Better stay away from this one as well. Too young and inexperienced for me.

I extended my hand. “Thane Erickson. This used to be my sister Lila’s room.”

“Addison Blackwell,” the girl said, slipping her slender hand into mine and locking her eyes with me.

Shit! Better put this one in a cage and throw away the key.Or date her and drive Darcy mad.Now there’s an idea.

I put my other hand on top of hers and moved in closer to her. “Darcy’s younger sister?”

She giggled. “Yes. I’m four years younger than her. So, you’re Lila’s older brother?”

Still holding on to her hand, I said, “I sure am. Am I to understand you’re moving into her room?”