“Are you crazy, Thane? Darcy will murder you by the end of the week,” Remi warned him.

I stood up, taking the hint. “I put extra love and care into your crepe, so eat up,” I told Darcy before I left. I heard the crash against the door before I was off the porch. Oh yeah, I’d succeeded alright.

* * *


“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I said, seething. I sat down and ate my crepe, but I would never admit it to Thane if he ever asked. He was a damned fine cook. It was the only thing he was good at, in my opinion.Well, other than pissing me off.

“Have you decided what you’re going to do to get back at Thane?” Remi asked, polishing off the first crepe and reaching for a second.

“Do either of you know anything about Thane’s weekend routine?” I asked.

“All I know is that he goes for an afternoon dip in the ocean every day. Lila used to get so mad at him for leaving work around noon every day, and he’d come back an hour later with wet hair. She followed him once and let him have it,” Shellene told us.

I looked at Shellene, and my lips changed from a thin line into a full grin. “I know what I’m going to do.”

“Uh-oh. I don’t like that glimmer in your eyes, Darcy Blackwell,” Remi said.

“It just so happens I feel like going down to the beach to do some suntanning, maybe read a book, and get in a late morning swim. Anyone care to join me?” I asked.

“Oh, I wish I could come with you, but I have a tennis match in an hour, and then I teach yoga. I should be back here later this afternoon so that you can tell me all about your revenge then,” Shellene said, getting up from the table and winking at me.

“Darcy, whatever you’re planning, don’t be too mean,” Remi said. “I’d go with you, but I’m teaching some swimming lessons this morning, and then I’m going to take Shellene’s yoga class. If you get done with your evil escapade by then, you should join us.”

“I’ll catch up with you later. I’m meeting my sister, Addison, for lunch and some shopping. I think she’s coming here for dinner also. See you gals later. I’ll bring pizza home for us all.”

I made my way to the beach and set myself up. Thane was a billionaire of his own making, and I stared at his enormous beach house. It was three times the size of ours. I wasn’t jealous, just impressed.

I grew up with nothing more than two dollars to rub together my entire childhood, having grown up very poor, taking care of my mother and sister, and spending many sleepless nights on the streets trying to think of how I was going to feed my family after my father was thrown in jail for killing four women, I shuddered just thinking about it so I didn’t want to think about that at the moment.

Money didn’t impress me, I only judge people by their character. Right now, Thane’s character was abysmal. What annoyed me the most was how he got away with so much wealth even after treating his friends like pawns in his games. My stomach churned just thinking of his behavior. I was still worried his moral compass was not properly aligned and he might just do something stupid again.

That was probably my biggest fear about Thane, that he would go too far with his dreams of making money and would do something unredeemable. Hopefully keeping an eye on him could prevent Lila from another heartbreak. I was angry with him for so many reasons and yesterday’s incident was just one more to add to the pile.

I couldn’t wait to put him in his place. Give him a little taste of his own medicine. I went for a nice swim, sat on a lawn chair under an umbrella, and read my book. After another swim to cool off, I looked at my phone. It was 11:55 a.m., and Thane should be due for his afternoon swim anytime. I packed up my stuff and put it in our yard. I then walked over to Thane’s and hid in the bushes, waiting. I felt a little silly but kept watch. I admit I was a bit nervous that this wouldn’t go the way I wanted.

About 10 minutes later, I spotted Thane walking down the path from his backyard to the beach. I wasn’t prepared for what he did next. He shed all his clothes and went into the water naked.This is too easy!My original plan was to swim up to him, pull off his trunks, and swim to shore, running away with his clothes, but I wouldn’t even have to go to all that trouble. I tried not to look at his ass as he went into the water, but I couldn’t help it. It was hard and round andsexy.No! You cannot look at his ass and find it attractive!I walked onto his beach and simply took his clothes and towel from where he dropped them and went to his backyard. Hopefully, his swims weren't too long. I went to his fence and unlocked it so it was ready for my quick escape. I then hid in the bushes and waited. My heart ticked along with the time, my nerves fraying the longer I had to wait.

Twenty minutes later, Thane came out of the ocean. I peeked through the bushes and saw him look down the beach in wonder and scratch his head in confusion. He was looking for his clothes and towel.Awesome.He started up the pathway that led to his backyard, so it was now my time to get the revenge I’d been craving since yesterday. I positioned myself so that I'd get a great view as soon as he opened the gate. And a great view is exactly what I got.

I started recording as he opened the gate. The shock that overtook his handsome features was worth all the waiting in the world. As shock gave way to irritation and anger, I had already got about 30 seconds. I began backing up, ensuring I was getting itallrecorded; every inch of his cock (though flaccid at the moment, was still glorious).

“Thane Erickson, you know, you really should warn women about the disappointment they are going to facebeforethey jump in the sack with you.” I couldn’t help myself. There was nothing more embarrassing than a video of their manhood being connected with disparaging words.

At this point, it dawned on Thane what my intent should be, and he broke into a run. I laughed and turned to run toward the fence, making sure that I shut it behind myself. He yelled, “You bitch!” after me. I reached my car and squealed the wheels as I took off. I looked in my rear-view window and was shocked to see that he was standing in the street with it all hanging out. He didn’t even seem to care. Not that he had anything to be ashamed of, but still.

Once I got to the beachside restaurant where I was meeting my sister, I opened my laptop and paired my phone. I transferred the file off my phone onto my hard drive and then made a copy on a USB drive. I wasn’t sure if I would ever need it, but as long as he had the video of me, I would keep it locked away. I felt satisfied that I got my revenge. It had never been my intention to do anything with the video, but I needed some insurance he wouldn’t either.

A few minutes later, Addison arrived, giving me a hug before she sat down. She looked like a younger version of me, and we both looked like our mother. Our personalities couldn’t be more different though, which was probably why we got along so great. I had worked several jobs to put her through the University of Miami pre-dental program when our father was taken from us, and our mother could not look after us, always too drunk to care. I still regretted leaving her behind. Though I had made it up to her in any way I could, the guilt would never be gone.

“Let me get a good look at you,” I said. I was so proud of Addison. She’d had it so rough growing up, and she’d really studied hard in school. She was still studying to become a dentist, working as a dental hygienist part-time to help me with her tuition fees.

She smiled sweetly, her cheeks flushing at the attention. “How are you, Darcy?”

“Plowing through life as usual,” I told her. “I took the liberty of ordering for us. I know you love the California salad here, and I added chicken for protein.”

“You know me so well,” Addison agreed.