Page 72 of Obsessive Union

The rest of the car ride is silent. My anger is still simmering. I’m fucking pissed. I didn’t get to quench my bloodlust. Everyone died way too easily. I would have loved to prolong the pain; kept the cunt alive for weeks—hell, even months, and made sure he understood what happens to those who come for my family. Instead, I’m going to have to make peace with the fact theasshole doesn’t get to feel that. He’ll never feel the pain he put my woman through.

“I take it you’ve spoken to my daughter,” Joe says in lieu of a greeting when we enter the private jet.

I nod stoically, grateful to have this opportunity but still unsure about it. It means being away from my brothers, something I never thought possible.

“Good. Once Gabby and Anthony are fighting fit, we’ll get you introduced to the men. Within a year, you’ll be taking over.”

“Sounds great,” I reply, and move toward the back of the plane and take a seat. I pull out my cell and call Makenna.

“They’re fine, Ales. Anthony is still sleeping, and Holly is talking Gabby’s ear off. You know what Hol’s like when she gets going.”

I chuckle. Holly loves to talk. She’s sweet and different from her aunt, but she’ll hover over Gabby until she’s released from the hospital. “Thanks. I’ll call you when we land.”

“Make that bitch pay,” she spits.

I smile. She’s no doubt jealous she can’t be in on the action. “Oh, she’ll be in a world of hurt, Kenna, don’t you worry.”

“I know. We’ve got Gabby and Anthony, Ales. We’ll make sure they’re safe.”

“I ow—”

“Don’t fucking say it,” she snaps. “You’re family. This is what we do.”

I say goodbye and end the call. Dante, Romero, and Joe are sitting together talking. I leave them be. I’m in no mood to make small talk.

I close my eyes and listen to their voices. The sooner we get to Denver, the better.

“She’s inside, boss,” one of Joe’s men says with a smirk. “The bitch has no idea what’s about to happen.”

“Stupid,” Joe hisses as he leads us into the house. “Why would she stay here? She’d have known this would be the first place I’d come looking.”

“Joe?” Christina says, her face paling and her eyes wide. “What are you doing here?”

‘You seriously didn’t think you’d get away with this, did you?” Joe snarls at his soon-to-be-ex-wife. “My child, Christina, you went after my daughter and grandson.”

The woman’s eyes flash with shock, but she quickly recovers.

“What did you expect? You weren’t being careful, Joe. Everyone knew that the bitch was your child. If that wasn’t bad, you got that whore of yours knocked up. Christ,” she spits. “Do you not know how to keep your fucking dick in your pants? Thirty years, Joe. I gave you thirty fucking years, and this is how you repay me.”

Joe laughs in her face. “You have always been a bitch, Chris. The moment you found out about Gabby, you hated her. You wanted me away from her. Why? Jealousy?”

“You never loved me. You always were looking for something else. Of course I was jealous. I’m the reason you got this powerful. I stayed by your side as you built this empire, but the second your floozy gets pregnant, you divorce me.”

“The moment you pushed my grandson away, Chris, that was the day you sealed your fate.”

Her eyes flash with anger and her cheeks redden. “That fucking child. He’s your pride and joy. No one will ever compete with that bitch and brat.”

“It was never a competition, bitch. You were never in their league. Instead of accepting that we were done, you went into bed with the fucking Russians?”

She shrugs, unaffected by what she’s done. “I saw that bitch in New York,” she snarls. “Living it up like she’s something. I followed her and found her shacked up with none other than Alessio Bianchi. Imagine my surprise when I go to dinner and overhear the Russians talking about how much they despise the Bianchis. It was fate.”

“You cunt,” I snarl, and she laughs. “Do you know what they did?”

“I don’t care. By the looks of you being here, I’d say they did a good job. Did they die?”

I step forward and watch her swallow hard. “The Russians did die. Fuck, they didn’t die as I wanted, but they’re now no longer breathing. As for my woman and child, they’re safe, and you’re going to pay for what you’ve done.”

She crosses her arms over her chest. “My dad will have something to say about this.”