Page 73 of Obsessive Union

Joe laughs. “No, he won’t. I’ve already spoken to him. He had a choice. He either lost you or he lost his empire. I guess no one ever loved you, Chris.”

“You always were a bastard, Joe.”

He smirks at her. “You’re going to die, Chris, and it’s going to be painful. I’ve been thinking a fuck of a lot since finding out you had a hand in this. I wanted to find the best way to kill you, and everything I thought of wasn’t enough. But then it came to me. You made my daughter live her worst nightmare by having her son taken from her. Now you get to live out your own.”

The woman’s eyes get wide with fear, and she starts to step backward.

“No,” she whispers, and the horrified sound makes me smile. Oh, he’s got her rattled. “Please, Joe, don’t do this.” She’shyperventilating, her face red and splotchy, her hands shaking as she continues to take steps backward.

“It’s done, Chris, but I’m going to enjoy you begging for your life.” He nods to the men behind her, and instantly, they reach for her.

“No!” she screams, kicking her legs and bucking against their hold. “Don’t do this.”

The men carry her out of the room, and we follow behind them. I’m more than intrigued about what’s going to happen. Judging by the frightened look on her face, it’s going to be fun to watch.

We step out into the backyard, and that’s when I see some of his men standing over a fucking hole.

“Joe, don’t do this,” she yells, her screams renting the air, her voice filled with fear.

The man’s not listening to her. Hell, after what she’s done, she deserves everything she gets.

His men unceremoniously throw the bitch into the shallow grave they’ve built.

“Gentleman,” Joe says as his men start to shovel the dirt back into the hole. “Chris here is terrified of being buried alive. She was locked in a closet by accident when she was a girl, and since then, she’s been terrified of it happening again. She’s going to die, terrified out of her mind.”

Fucking hell.

“Why not carve the bitch up?” Romero asks with knitted brows.

“Because, she’d have died in pain. This way she’s going to be in pain and frightened. The bitch is going to piss and shit herself. She’ll be so scared, she won’t be able to control it.”

I chuckle. It’s ruthless and less messy than I’d have liked but fuck if it doesn’t quell my need for revenge. This bitch is gettingher just desserts, and I’m glad to stand back and watch this play out.

“Joe!” Her scream is muffled by the dirt that now covers her. “Please don’t do this. I beg you. I’ll do anything, please.”

Her pleas go unanswered. No one here gives a fuck about what she wants or needs. She’s going to die whether she likes it or not. No amount of crying and screaming is going to stop this.

Her breathing starts to deepen as her panic grows higher. God, what I’d give to be able to see what’s going on down there. The sounds are fucking music to my ears.

I’ve heard people plead for their lives. I’ve heard the cries of pain and sorrow. Hell, I’ve even heard people be scared. But this. Fuck, her screams are hoarse and filled with so much fear and pain that if it were anyone but this bitch, I’d feel sorry for them.

Everyone in the backyard is silent, listening to Christina’s painful shallow breaths. There’s no way in Hell she’ll be able to survive this any longer. Funnily enough, I’ve never heard someone be scared to death, so this is a first for me, and it’s a sweet as fuck first.

The breathing is either too low or stopped all together, and I take a deep breath and release it. Dead. The bitch is fucking gone, and there’s no one left to come at my family. Anyone tries in the future, and I may just take a leaf out of Joe’s book and find their fear. Kill the asses that way.

“Alright, son,” Joe says with a smug grin. “The wicked witch is dead, my daughter is safe, and it’s time for us to go home to her. Our job here is done.”

I smile. He’s right. Now I need to focus on ensuring that both Anthony and Gabby heal.

“Dante, have Makenna look for a home for us. I want us to be moved in before Gabby and Anthony even leave the hospital.” I won’t have them returning to the apartment. I want to rid the memories for them.

Dante chuckles as he types out a message. “She’s going to love this.”

He throws his head back and laughs, handing his cell for me to read the message.

Makenna: Challenge accepted.

I smile. Fuck. It feels good to breathe freely. No more enemies hiding in the shadows. It should be plain sailing from here on out. Now to go back to my woman and son.