Page 44 of Love By the Bay

Jules can only nod as I take Caesar into the stable and clip his collar to the long chain that’s fixed to the wall. I quickly make sure he’s got fresh food and water and leave him to calm and settle. I decide to leave the muzzle in place for now until I get a handle on the whole situation.

When I come out of the stable, I find my angel in a sobbing heap on the floor, so I know my work is definitely not done.

“Hey, hey,” I whisper, sitting on the floor, putting my arm around her shaking shoulders. She immediately snuggles into my side and all of a sudden I feel like I’m home. I feel still and quiet for the first time in years, sitting on this dusty barn floor with a flame-haired angel in my arms.

When her sobs finally die down, she sits up and wipes her face on the bottom of her shirt, lifting it up so I get a quick glimpse of her cute belly. She flicks her beautiful eyes up to meet mine and recognition fills them.

“You’re the jerk from the bar,” she sniffs, shuffling away slightly, her cheeks pinking up with embarrassment.

I laugh loudly and shake my head. “That’s a hell of a way to thank me for saving your ass, Angel.”

“Hey!” she cries, clambering to her feet, putting her fists on those gorgeous hips that I can’t wait to get my hands on. “I didn’t ask you to save me.”

I rise to my feet as well, and I’m fully aware of how much bigger I am than she is, but still I crowd her back against the workbench, my nose filling with the sweet combination of jasmine and perspiration.

“Sure, because you had that situation under control from what I could see,” I growl.

She looks up at me with eyes full of determination and sass, and I can’t help the erection that presses so hard against my zipper it’ll have indents in it for a week.

“I don’t need saving,” Jules insists again, but I can tell my close proximity is affecting her as much as it is me. Her full, round tits are literally heaving as she tries helplessly to get her breathing under control.

I lean down and run my nose from her collar bone up her neck, intoxicated by the scent of her red hair. When I reach her ear, I whisper, “I don’t think you have any idea what you need, baby. But I do, I know exactly what you need.”

When I pull away, her cheeks are red blooms of desire, and her pupils have blown wide with her arousal.

“What’s that?” she whispers in a thick voice.

Quickly, I realize I may have pushed her too far, too fast. I’m not sticking around any longer than I have to and by the look on her face she’s ready to give me anything I ask for. So I decide to defuse the crackling sexual tension and shift back from her.

“A kennel assistant,” I smirk. “I came up here because I need some work while I wait for my truck to be fixed. Thought I could help you out while I’m stuck here.”

At the revelation that I’m not about to rock her world, her expression hardens again, and she shoves at my chest to back me away from her.

“Are you kidding me?” she growls. “After you humiliated me in the bar last night, you expect me to give you a job?”

“I’ve heard from several sources that you’re in desperate need, and I’m more than qualified as you’ve already seen,” I reply, taking a step away to give her space. “I was a dog handler in the Army for years so I’m more than comfortable doing anything you need around here. It might be a temporary solution while you find someone more permanent because I don’t intend on sticking around once my truck is fixed.”

I can see the struggle on her face between telling me to go to hell and hiring me on the spot.

“Look, you’ve had a stressful day, I know, so I’m not gonna push you. I’m staying at the motel in town, room seven. If you wanna take me up on my offer, just let me know. If not, I can get work on one of the farms.” I hold my hands up in a gesture of submission as I back away. “But it looks like you could use me around here, Angel, to help with the dogs and maybe a couple… other things.” I can’t help the smirk that spreads across my face when her cheeks pink up again, and I notice her nipples pebble beneath her thin shirt.

I quickly leave the barn before she can reply and as I make my way back to town, I know I’ll be hearing from her soon.

Chapter 6


It’s been three days since Caesar got loose in the barn and the giant came to my rescue. It was both the most terrifying and infuriating experience of my life. He was so commanding when he took charge of the situation, and I must admit watching him made my panties flood with an unexpected desire.

Then he opened his stupid mouth and ruined the whole thing. He was so arrogant and full of himself it made me so mad, but I couldn’t help how attracted I was to him.

I thought about him all day — the way his muscular arm flexed as he held Caesar’s collar, the smell of cedar and hot man had some kind of primal effect on me and before I knew what I was doing I was driving into town and knocking on his door. When he opened it, he was pulling his shirt down over his thick, muscular torso, and I was certain I spotted some quite serious scar tissue. Obviously, it would be rude to ask him about it, so I just launched awkwardly into accepting his offer to work for me.

I was relieved that he was at least gracious enough not to say “I told you so.” And before I knew what the hell I was doing, I offered him use of the small studio apartment in the outbuilding so he didn’t have to pay for the motel while he was working.

I waited while he packed his few possessions into his duffle, and then we drove back to the farm in silence. The air between us was literally crackling, but I’d be damned if I’d speak first. I had so many questions about his time in the Army, his work with military dogs, the scar tissue I spotted, why he wasn’t in service anymore. But his stoic silence gave me the impression he wasn’t much for small talk, so I just kept quiet until we reached the farm.

I parked in my usual spot by the kennels and led him to the outbuilding to show him the studio. No one had stayed in it for a few years so it was a bit dusty and smelled of stale air, but other than that it was in good shape. After I’d shown him everything, I literally ran up to the main house to get fresh linens and towels. Something about being in close proximity to this giant man got me all sorts of twisted up inside. I had an overwhelming urge to just surrender to his will and let him do whatever he wanted to me. And that’s not my personality at all. I’m an alpha through and through, I have been in all my previous relationships, but with this guy I just want to do what he says so he’ll praise me for being his good girl and protect my heart.