Page 45 of Love By the Bay

Obviously, I checked his references because he could be an escaped convict, but when I spoke to his last commanding officer, he gave me a glowing account of his military record. I found out a few things that helped me understand Brandon a little more — he was a highly trained dog handler and had been a trainer for several years, he’d been medically discharged after he was caught in an air strike while on a tour overseas. As I listened, I felt like he was hugely overqualified for the job he was doing for me, but as I watched him around the farm he seemed happy in the work.

On the first morning, by the time I went down to the kennels just after dawn, they were already cleaned and the dogs were fed and watered. I heard the sound of happy barking coming from the exercise field, and as I made my way over there, I could see Brandon rolling in the grass with a pair of chocolate labs that had come in the day before. His smile was huge and genuine, and I just stood and watched him wrestle with the dogs as they clambered all over him, licking his face.

However, when he caught sight of me, his walls seemed to come up again, and he stood up, commanding the dogs to sit. As he strode past me, I didn’t miss the sideways glance he gave me, the dogs obediently at his heel. I could feel that look deep in my soul, and I knew I’d do anything he commanded me to do.

So, it’s been three days since he came to live on the farm and I’m in absolute turmoil.

“I can’t believe the giant is actually working for you now,” Livi gasps as she sips her coffee and reaches for another apple turnover. I decided it was time for a tête-à-tête with my bestie about how I’m feeling, so I sent her a 911 text, and she came right on over after school ended for the day.

I shake my head and feel my cheeks heat up. “I just feel powerless when I’m around him, like I have to do what he commands.”

Livi giggles and dusts crumbs from her lap. “Sounds like you’ve got a bad case of the daddies.”

“The what?” I gasp, blushing even harder.

“You know, he’s an older guy, he’s all big and masculine. You just wanna be a good girl for him and do what he says. I know you read those kinds of books, Julia Marie Donnelly, so don't try to pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about.” Livi aims her finger at me like a pistol, and I know she’s seen right through me.

“Oh my god,” I let my head drop to the table and moan. “I’m in so much trouble.”

I hear Livi shift her chair so she’s sitting next to me at the kitchen table. “No you’re not, you’re just exploring something that feels right. Who says you always have to be the strong alpha in a relationship? It doesn’t make you weak, you know, wanting someone to protect you and take care of you.”

“But he’s only in town until Lou fixes his truck so what’s the point in starting anything?” I mutter into the table as Livi gently rubs my shoulder.

“Okay, get up and take a look at this,” she says in her best teacher voice, hauling me to my feet and leading me to my kitchen window. “Look at that fine man out there.” She points and as my eyes follow her finger I see Brandon standing on the flatbed of the feed delivery truck, lifting huge bags of kibble like they weigh nothing, throwing them into a pile on the ground. My mouth literally waters at the sight of his bulging muscles and the damp stain of fresh sweat down the back of his shirt.

But then good sense and logic replace the lust coursing through my veins, and I turn away from the window. “He’s too old for me, he’s grumpy and only in town for a few weeks. It’s a terrible idea.”

The cheeky smile that spreads across Livi’s face confirms what I already know — I may be protesting out loud, but inside I’m already planning just how I intend to get that fine man into my bed.

Chapter 7


I must admit it feels good to be working again. I’ve wandered for so long that I forgot what it felt like to work hard and fall into bed exhausted at the end of the day. I’m a naturally early riser, and I like to get the kennels cleaned and the dogs feed before my angel makes an appearance. Not because I’m trying to impress her; I just can’t seem to concentrate when she’s around. When she emerges from the farmhouse with the dawn light shining through her flaming hair, sipping her coffee, I have to get as far away from her as possible. I usually go to the barn and work with Caesar for a while, muzzling him while I clean the stall and refresh his food and water. He’s actually beginning to tolerate my presence in his space and the growling and lunging has almost stopped completely.

Today, I’ve decided to see how he reacts to being walked on a leash. I have a theory about his past and I want to put it to the test. So I carefully remove Caesar’s muzzle so he can eat his breakfast and sniff around his stall while I watch from behind the half door. There’s something so familiar about the way he follows the trail of scent around, nose close to the straw, tail wagging, that makes me think he’s had some sort of formal training.

When he seems calm and full from breakfast, I slowly open the door and step into the stall. Caesar’s ears immediately prick up, and he turns, watching me with steely eyes. I keep my eyes lowered so as not to trigger his aggression, and he allows me to approach and fit his muzzle and clip the leash to his collar. I’m impressed with how calm he’s been up to this point, but my next action could trigger him so I take a deep breath and go for it.

“Heel!” I command in my firmest voice. The relief that floods through me as Caesar moves to stand obediently at my side is palpable, and I glance down to see him looking up at me, ready for his next command.

Keeping the leash loose, I give him the signal to walk and he sets off, keeping perfect pace with me as we make a lap of the barn. Whoever trained him did a great job, but something has affected him deeply to make him so unpredictable and afraid. I need to speak to Julia some more about where he came from. All I’ve got so far is that a guy dropped him off and never came back to pick him up.

As if thinking about my angel manifests her, I hear the barn door creak, and she slips inside quietly, her body pressed against the wall so as not to attract Caesar’s attention. But I see her watching us with her deep green eyes as I command him to halt, sit, and heel. I can’t help the pride that swells in my chest as I see the look of amazement on her face at the difference in Caesar’s behavior.

I call him to a halt in the middle of the barn and make sure I have a good hold on his leash before I address her.

“Morning, Angel,” I say quietly, flicking my eyes toward her. Jesus, she’s a vision in her plaid shirt and little jean shorts that show off the plump curve of her thighs and that fantastic ass. Fuck, don’t get hard now, not the right time at all.

“Good morning,” she replies quietly, a small quiver in her voice. “He seems to be doing great. I can’t believe you’ve trained him so quickly.”

I chuckle quietly, and Caesar whines beside me. “I didn’t do this, I just tapped into the training he’s already been given. Someone did a great job with this guy, and I’d like to know more about his background.”

“The only thing I know about his owner is that I’m pretty sure he was or is in the military. He was wearing dog tags and had a lot of military-looking ink on his forearms.” Julia shrugs and moves slowly away from the door toward the area of the barn that was obviously once a workshop of some kind. She stops in front of a large metal cabinet and continues to speak. “I tried all the numbers and email he gave me but they were all disconnected. I don’t know why he brought Caesar here and spent all that money on two weeks' board when he could’ve just left him at a shelter, if that’s what he intended.”

I can see the annoyance and anger on her face at this man’s actions, and it makes me want her even more. She’s so passionate about the animals in her care, it must be killing her inside not knowing how to help Caesar.

“Maybe that wasn’t his intention,” I reply. “Maybe he got in an accident or got called back to base without notice. It happens.”