Page 24 of Tattooed Sweetness

It feels odd: his finger on my mouth, his inquiring gaze—and the almost physically perceptible linking of neurons in his head.

“We don’t have to get married right away.”

I blink. Did Kevin read that aloud—or is this supposed to be some weird kind of proposal? Futilely, I try to catch a glimpse of the Kindle’s display.

“We don’t have to get married right away,” Kevin repeats in his read-aloud voice.

So, it’s not an improvised engagement after all!I let out a relieved sigh.

“He winked at her,” Kevin continues reading. “But think of it as a sign of commitment. We belong together, don’t you agree?”

Oh my God!Reading the last sentence, he gives me a strange sideways look again. I try hard to keep an expressionless face, and thankfully he gives up studying me and looks back to the e-reader.

“For a moment she said nothing, then she fell into his arms. ‘Yes, I agree!’” Again, he changes the pitch of his voice from female impersonation to normal. “‘I knew it!’ He held her tightly, never wanting to let her go. Suddenly, he felt a small hand on his arm. ‘I like to cuddle too,’ Klara squealed. With loud laughter, Sarah and Lorenz brought her into their midst and gave her a warm hug.” One more time, Kevin mimics the words in the novel and pulls me closer with the arm he has wrapped around me. “Finally, I have got a family again!”

Family.I freeze, only peripherally aware of him casually kissing me on the temple.

“Jeez, don’t start crying now, Celine!” Half gruffly, half lovingly, Kevin wipes the tears from my cheeks. “If I’d had any idea you were having another one of your ultra-melancholy days today, I wouldn’t have read the section, of course.” Rebuke, directed at me of course, resonates in his voice. “Has your weird aunt been bothering you on the phone again?”

I swallow my objection that Mareike is anything butweirdand doesn’t bother me at all.

But Kevin keeps talking anyway. “Momma also says you’ve got to cut the cord with that crazy woman! After all, if you need motherly advice, you can turn to her!”

Even though Kevin surely meant his statement differently, he lifts my spirits with his words. I picture my dragon-in-law-to-be, as Pauline always refers to Kevin’s mother, as giving motherly advice. This makes me burst into hysterical giggles.

“What on earth has gotten into you now?” Kevin frowns.

“Oh, nothing…” I break out, but the look on his face makes me realize I’m not going to be able to brush him off that easily. Feverishly, I search my brain for the right inspiration. That’s when my eyes fall on the Kindle he’s set aside. “I was just thinking how funny it would be if we read the section again. Let’s do a play reading.” I feel his curious gaze on me and shrug. “Only if you don’t mind, of course.”

“What, like read as the different characters?” he inquires. “Do you mean like… role-play?” The way he emphasizes the word makes it clear his hunting fever has awakened. “Does that turn you on?”

“Yes,” I lie, pretending to lower my gaze bashfully so he doesn’t catch me fibbing. “Is this a bad thing?”

“Nuh-uh.” He drags out the syllable. “Where do we start?” He turns on the device.

“Where he presents the gift?” I suggest, again earning his raised eyebrows.

“As long as I don’t have to humiliate myself on my knees in front of you…” he qualifies, not waiting for me to agree. “And the little niece, we’ll leave her out.” No question, a clear instruction.

I nod in acknowledgment, then Kevin sets to work.

“Okay. As I said, I’m not sliding around on the floor… And now we need the present…” From his back pocket, he pulls out a crumpled cigarette packet and holds it out to me. “For you!”

So, my nose wasn’t deceiving me earlier. He’s started smoking again. Concentrating, I look at the display. “Th-that wasn’t necessary…”I read off and accept the casket nails with trembling fingers. As described in the book, I shake my head several times.

“Oh yes!” With moderate persuasiveness, due no doubt to the quantum of alcohol Kevin holds, he indicates a beating heart with his hand.

“No!” I cover my mouth with my hand and hold the stinky cigarette pack as far away from me as possible. “You’re crazy!”

“I know.” Kevin looks over at me with his tongue hanging out of the corner of his mouth and his eyes twisted in an exaggeratedcrazyway before he continues reading. “But I just felt like it fit.”

Silence reigns for the span of a breath or two.

I suspect Kevin doesn’t know how we’re supposed to handle the part of Klara that is following.

Then he gets a grip. “In that little box…”He taps the pack of cigarettes in my hand. “…something sparkles like silver. A wedding ring?”

“Wait a minute,” I repeat Sarah’s line. “I can’t…”