Page 23 of Tattooed Sweetness

Like every time, before the needles have made the first two or three strokes into the skin, my stomach clenches briefly. It doesn’t matter if it’s my own body or a client’s: Despite written consent, it takes a lot out of me to overcome it.After all, what I’m doing is bodily injury…

I take a deep breath and move the handle with the needle bundle three or four times a few millimeters above one of the lines on my skin. Then I lower my hand and welcome the pain flooding through my nerves.

8. Out of the Frying Pan into theFear of Being Left on the Shelf


“Hello? Celine? Hello?” Words fall around me that I don’t even understand at first.

Reluctantly, I emerge from the sofa cushion into which I have pressed my face. I peer through the nighttime darkness which has settled over the unlit living room.

The overhead light flicks on, and blinking, I lift my head and look straight into Kevin’s astonished face.

“You’re still awake?” He pushes back the cuffed sleeve of his shirt and looks at his impressive chronograph. “At a little before one in the morning? Didn’t I text you to not wait up for me?”

“Yes, yes.” I try to smooth out the completely crumpled fabric of the pillowcase I’ve been working on with my fingers in the absence of that darn Mr. Sandtmann. It doesn’t work. “I’m just doing a little reading in a Sandra Pulletz novel.”

Kevin’s eyes, as clear blue as they are flawless, scan the area of the seating area and coffee table where I’m settled in. “You’re reading?”

Sure, he doesn’t see a book. “In the e-reader,” I explain, gesturing with my head to the Kindle, of which only one corner peeks out from behind the back cushion after my affectation.

“That sounds interesting.” Before I can even intervene, Kevin grabs the device. “Well, let me see what you’re reading…”

“It’s just a romance novel!”You don’t like this kind of thing anyway.

“A love story?” He drags out the words and turns on the e-book-reader. “Eventually with some really hot, southern macho guy? I have to find out with whom you’re two-timing me while I’m away, don’t I? So, what does it say…?He slid on his knees under the tree and pulled out a tiny package. ‘For you!’” Kevin looks at me with raised eyebrows. “That’s the kind of thing you’re interested in? When a man humiliates himself in front of a woman?”

That’s not how it’s verbalized at all!Although I’m sure I haven’t read this passage yet, I object. “No!”

Kevin grins and taps the display. “Those are the exact words written there, though.”

“Well, yeah, maybe…”Oh my God, this is embarrassing!“But I haven’t even gotten this far yet.”

“Oh, did I spoil you?” It’s hard to tell from Kevin’s laugh if he’s teasing me or if he’s actually sorry. “Well, now that it’s happened anyway, I’ll just read on to you…”

So, he wants to annoy me. I firmly resolve to keep a stiff upper lip.

But then he pushes my feet off the seat with a decisive wave of his hand and plops down on the sofa. “Sooo…His heart was pounding and his throat was dry as dust. How would Sarah react?” Kevin screws up his face. “Gross, this is how he acts? You like this pussy?”

Lorenz is not a pussy!is on the tip of my tongue. After all, the book, like all of this author’s, is written in an absolutely enchanting way. But with Kevin as crabby as he is, I decide to swallow it. “Thank you, but I can read the rest myself,” I say and reach out for the Kindle.

But Kevin pulls the e-reader out of the reach of my hand. “Touché, huh?” Grinning dirtily, he winks at me, reminding me for a split second of Phillip, that darn outlaw. “No, let me,” he retorts. “Now this paragraph is coming from her point of view, let me see…” He clears his throat to continue reading in a falsetto voice. “No!” he squeaks. “She put her hand over her mouth and held out the hand with the open packet from her, ‘You’re crazy!’—so, we’re not disagreeing on that, are we?” He gives me a friendly shove, then lifts his left arm so I can snuggle up to him.

Kevin really does have his good sides. You just have to know how to take him.

“There was something sparkling silver in the little box Sarah was holding,” he reads on, then clears his throat again. “A wedding ring?” he imitates in a squeaky voice.

The book character Sarah doesn’t talk so squeakily in my head, but I still have to laugh at his efforts.

“Klara looked from Lorenz to Sarah with wide eyes,” he now reads aloud, turning the e-reader in his hand as if it were a book and he could look at the cover. “Who is Klara?” He looks at me with eyebrows raised. “I thought this was an innocent romance novel. Are they going for a threesome?”

“Fudge!” I give him a blow with my fist. “Klara is Lorenz’s little niece.”

“Oh, I see. Why didn’t you tell me straight away?” Kevin sounds annoyed. “Oh, then this makes sense:‘That’s ultra-cool! Then Sarah will be like my new mom!’” He pauses and mumbles something into his non-existent beard which I identify as “girlie stuff”.

I don’t bother to comment, because he’ll just say I’m being snippy anyway. Instead, I look at him invitingly.

“Do you want me to read on? All right:‘Hold on,’ Sarah interrupted the cheering. ‘I can—’” Kevin clears his voice, which sounds breathy from imitating the woman. “Shh!” he continues in a normal tone. “Lorenz stood up and put his index finger to her lips.” Kevin turns his head toward me. He looks at me for way too long a time before raising his right hand and putting into action what he just read to me.