“I could picture running down the dirt road from our house to the pond, watching the boy I loved, fish on the dock. I married that man andhaven’t regretted it since,” she says, turning loving eyes on the man sharing her booth.

“I pictured the morning after we said I do. We were down in the blue ridge mountains at a cute little inn. It was the day I truly realized you were my forever. I knew I loved you before then, but at that moment, I knew we could get through anything together,” he tells her softly, reaching across the table and grabbing hiswife’s hand as her tears finally fall. She turns to me again, grabbing my wrist as I try to sneak away.

“I want to say from the bottom of my heart I am so very sorry for how I acted when we first came in. You have a wonderful place and an amazing gift. Thank you for opening my eyes to how hateful and rude I have become. I used to be so free, and now I’ve just been bitter.” She tears up again, releasing my wrist and turning to her husband. “I’m so sorry for whatI’ve put you through the last few years. I haven’t been the woman you fell in love with, and I’ll never be able to make that up to you.”

“No matter what you’ve done and howyou’ve acted, you have always and will always be the only woman I could ever love. It hasn’t always been easy to handle, but I’ve always been madly, obsessively, possessive in love with you.”

I leave them smiling, heading around to take orders and make someoneelse’s day.

Chapter Two


“A fucking fairy, Hades? You want me to go to the human world and kidnap a fucking fairy? You have to be joking?” I growl at the lord of the underworld. He turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

Anyone else would be pitched into the burning, everlasting flames below, but I’ve beenHades’ right-hand man for longer than either of us can remember. My father was one of the first demons ever created, and when I found out he was plotting to take over the underworld and kill Hades, I killed him and brought his head to my king.

Hades is a fair and just ruler… most days. He has his bad moments, butdoesn’t everyone? My father was a prick who killed my mother after she gave birth, not wanting his son to become a pussy by having a mother “coddle” him. I have to snort at that. Even female demons have never been accused of coddling the young. Though,it’s more like kill or be killed when mating with a female demon. Both male and female demons look to gain more power and station, and taking lives is all too common. My father beat it into me since I was born that I had to be bigger, stronger, and faster than everyone else. Hedidn’t realize I would always follow him; hewasn’t just making me better than anyone else, but also better than him.

“What? Want me to add my lord on the end of that with a cute little curtsey? Fuck off and tell me why you chose me of all the other damned beings in this place to fill this role,” I say harshly.

“You know anyone else, and I would make them a wall mount. Your horns would look absolutely radiant over my fireplace,” he smirks.

I cross my arms, waiting for him to answer. Honestly, we are more like best friends, maybe even brothers. Well, as close as a demon and the king of the underworld can be, but we’ve been with each other a long time. Having been through a million battles and thousands of wars, we have stuck together. So even if he knows I’m going to bitch and complain, he also knows I will do whatever I can for him.

I see the smile fall as he sighs loudly before rubbing his hands down his face. In all my years, I’ve never seen Hades look so lost and… defeated.It’s a far cry from the cocky, arrogant boss I’ve always loyally served.

“This fairy has a special gift. One I’m in desperate need of to help with my little problem. Rumors have been spreading for the last five years about a fairy in the human world sharing her gifts,” he explains, looking toward his private quarters.

The little problem he was referring to being Persephone. I never thought I would see the day when my boss would fall in love, but the minute his eyes locked on her, he was a goner. Unfortunately, shehasn’t been too happy about being banished to the underworld. Who could blame her? Too bad for her, Hadescan’t seem to let her go.

“What special gift are we talking about here and again… why does it have to be me? You could send Berrak. He has been itching to get back to the surface and hunt down lost souls,” I say. He knows I hate leaving the underworld. This has been my home since the beginning of existence. I work asHades’ second in command, protecting him from any and all threats. I take my job seriously and refuse to let just anyone take over, not taking any chances.

“You are the only one I can trust not to devour her. Plus, no one would dare cross you as you bring her back to the underworld. They would know theycouldn’t get through you. I need her for her gift. Rumor has it she can make you unbelievably happy with just one meal. I need her here. I need her to cook for Persephone,” he pleads with me. I open my mouth to argue, but a flash of something I never thought I would see crosses his face. Desperation. He looks genuinely lost, and I know there is no way in hell I could deny him this. I have to find that fairy and bring her here.Mother fucker.

“Where is the little fairy located?”

“New Orleans.” Hade grins evilly. Well, this just gets better and better.

“You have got to be shitting me?” I growl. His laugh tells mehe’s not joking, and I have to remind myself he’s my boss, ruler, and best friend, or I might try to take his head.

“She owns Mazzy’s Munchies near the square. I need her here as soon as possible, Ezra. Please.” One more show of weakness only for my eyes. I walk closer to him and grab his forearm while he latches onto mine, pulling each other into a tight hug.

“I will bring her here in three days, before the next pitch night,” I promise. Hopefully, it will not take even that long, but I need a day to scope out my target and ensure the wards she may or may not havewon’t cause permanent damage. Fairies may not be the toughest of species, but they can be deceiving little tricksters.

I make my way back toward my dwelling, taking my time and looking at my people. Passing through the market area where everything from fire-resistant cloth to herbs from the human world to trinkets and spells is sold.

I’ve always differed from my demon brothers. Where they only ever craved power and said to hell with loyalty, I attached to Hades and figured my life was long enough. I would rather spend it with someone who at least entertains me than spend it with no one at all.

I shake off those thoughts and head back to grab my go bag. I always keep one just in case I need to travel the underworld with Hades. Our favorite trips are to the torture chambers way past the central core of the underworld. Those chambers are saved for the worst of the worst of all humanity. You’d be surprisedwho’s in those chambers after seeming like such great souls in the human world. We take great pleasure in ensuring the favors of all they have done are returned. We could easily portal there, but we’ve always loved to get out there and rough it a bit, battle the lava monsters and the other monsters that dwell here.

I head through the maze of caves in the cliffside, heading to my quarters. I live in the very back. I have a private entrance that leads toHades’s castle, but I needed to take the long way today. I wanted to prolong this little trip as long as absolutely possible, but that time ended as I unlocked and opened my wooden door, walked through the dark living room, grabbed my go bag from the closest, and headed back out. I need to get to the portal and get this inconvenience over as quickly as possible.

Us Demons can teleport as long as it is in one realm at a time. Ican’t teleport from the underworld to the human world. But while in the human world, I can teleport from one side of the planet to the other. Same with the underworld, but I must get to the portal to transport up above. Dragging my feet, I exit my home… three days, just need to make it three days.

Chapter Three
