I take a deep breath as I flit around the greenhouse in my backyard. The flowers look as big as skyscrapers. The bluebutterflies’ wings span a head above me as I fly through the air, twirling and enjoying my time in the air and my true form. Holding the human form can be exhausting sometimes. When I finally fall to my normal size, I feel light as a feather and freer than the wing.

“Hey, Mrs. Toad,” I wave as I pass the toad sitting in the small fountain. Well,it’s small whenI’m a human;it’s a lake when I’m a fairy. I’m enjoying my one day off from the restaurant. This is the day I spend out in my garden enjoying my paradise. Thefountain’s heated lights and warm water keep the cold of December out. Ican’t believeit’s already so close to Christmas. I shut down Mazzy’s Munchies every year for two weeks during Christmas. Sometimes I go home, but this year I’ve been thinking about waiting until the New Year. I want to be here when Nick and his gang come through town. I fell in love with Dasher and Dancer about three years ago.

I was flying on Christmas night and heard the bells from their collars. Ididn’t realize what it was at first. I was wondering if maybe it was another fairy in town. When I went to investigate, I found a sleigh guided by eight reindeer and a man in a red coat who said his name was Santa. Dasher and Dancer were guiding the sleigh and offered me a ride on their collar bells. Best. Night. Ever. They promised I could go again this year, so I’m ready for Christmas in two weeks.

I see a shadow pass by outside, but I keep flying. New Orleansdoesn’t have a lot of space for backyards. Especially downtown. Hell, half the houses only have a simple sidewalk. So I’m not too worried about the shadow of someone walking by. My neighbors sometimes pass through, and I’m small enough to be missed.

I’m laughing as I take another dive toward the water. My belt with tiny magical bells jingling the whole time. Right before I’m about to pull up from going under, a clear container is shoved between me and the water and I fly straight into it. A black lid is closed on top before I can fly out.

“What in the jingle bells is going on? Let me out of here,” I yell, banging on the clear plastic containing me.

“Calm down, squirt. I’m not going to hurt you,” says a sexy voice from above. I try to look up to see his face, but all I see is a black lid with tiny teeny holes poked into it.

Don’t call me squirt. I’ll come up there and kick your tail. Why did you lock me in this container?” I ask, flying up and trying to push the lid.It’s no use.It’s screwed on tight, and I’m completely at his mercy. My head is screaming that this monster is kidnapping me and wants to lock me up. My woman bits are thinking his voice is sexy, and I would love to be completely at his mercy. I roll my eyes at myself.

“Now? Now is when you pick the time to wake up?” I mumble down at my lap.

“You good in there, squirt? Not shaking you too hard, am I?” the growly voice snorts as he lifts me higher and higher.

“Shut it with the squirt nonsense and answer my question. Why are you kidnapping–oh…” I’m cut off mid-sentence when I get my first glance at my attacker.

Wow, he’s absolutely beautiful… Well, for a demon, I guess. I can tell by the fuzzy beige glimmer around him he is using a glamor, but I can see through the magic. Most strong magical folk can, the newbies and the young being the exception.

I take in his features, huge curved back horns, surrounded by pitch black silky hair. His horns are tipped with silver, and rings pierced through. His skin is deep red, with spirals of raised skin coming up from his neck. I see the same swirls and texture throughout his skin. His eyes are black, but his wide, white, straight smile shows just two fangs, like a vampires, but smaller. He was GORGEOUS.

I closed my eyes, feeling out his emotions and his intentions. That was part of my power. Some people call me an empath, butit’s much more than that. Yes, I could feel the emotions and intentions of others, but I could also control them in small doses. Idon’t train my power to be compulsion; I feel like people should have free will. Now,that’s not to say I stand by when someone is in trouble. I use all my magic to get just a bit of payback for the rougher part of humanity, butit’s rare. Opening my eyes, I scan the demon again before giving him a wide smile. He raises one midnight-black pierced eyebrow at me.

You’re not screaming,” he says, growing down at me.

That’s the reaction you usually get when kidnapping people? I guess I could see that.” I shrug, still keeping my smile. “Where are we going?”

“Underworld,” he states simply before walking out of my garden.

I could feel his intentions, and they told me hewasn’t looking to hurt me. Hell yeah, that means I can just sit back and enjoy the ride. He was still looking at me like I was completely insane, and maybe he was right, but I looked at the world differently than most people, preferring to see the good in every aspect. One might ask, what could be the bright side of being kidnapped by a demon? Well, a first-class seat to the underworld. Duh!

The underworld is one of the most secretive of places. Only demons and a select few can pass through the veil between worlds. Others tried and never came back. Demons are also very secretive about their domain.They’re not the nicest beings on a good day, but try interrogating them about their secret hideout and backup. As a class-A curious fairy, I’m DYYYYINNNNNGGGGG to see what the place looks like… if I can return to the human realm after. Shoot, maybethat’s a question I should have asked first.

“Oh, I’ve always wanted to see this mysterious place. When will you be bringing me back?” I tried not to show my worry, just my curiosity, but this demon seemed to want to play with me.

“Who said anything about you coming back, squirt? If Hadesdoesn’t keep you, I might decide not to let you go.” He smirks, pulling at the silver hoop pieces through his lip. Dang, that was sexy.

“I guess I’ll just start having to plan my escape, but not before I get a guided tour… Maybe a pit stop on the way.” I winked at him and blew him a kiss. He wanted to play, thenlet’s play, big boy.

Chapter Four


I might not let her go? What the fuck was that? And who the fuck am I? Thisisn’t me. Idon’t flirt. I’ve always been guarded, head in the game, alert eyes always on the lookout. But the fact is, one look at my cute little fairy, and I tripped tail over ass.

She is mine.

Idon’t know how I know this, but I know she is it. The one I was created for, the one I was given a soul for, no matter how dark that soul may be. It was made for her, for her light. Fucking hell, Hades is going to get a trip out of this. I never stopped giving him hell for how fast he moved in on Persephone. I gave him shit two damn days ago.

“So,what’s your name?” my fairy asks, flapping her wings to keep herself suspended in air but still crossing her legs. Damn, she’s cute.

“Ezra. And you are Mazzy from the land of Furnway. Currently residing in New Orleans,” I tell her the information I was given on my target. This not being the outcome I would have ever imagined. There have been rare incidents where demons have fallen for other paranormal creatures, vampires, witches, hell, even a raptor shifter back in the prehistoric age. That pair lives two caves over from mine. A fairy, though,that’s new. I wonder how she’s going to like her new home. Fuck, did I pick up the place before I left?

“What are you thinking about so hard up there, big guy? Seems like you know me rather well, and all I know about you is your name is Ezra,you’re a demon, and you like to kidnap itty bitty helpless fairies,” she says, trying to hide a smile.