“ ... Mr. Black?”
Colt jolted when he heard the voice. “Ash?”
“I… didn’t know who else to call, I...” Colt flashed a look at April. Confusion and concern juddered through him.
“Name’s Colt,” he said. Then left a quiet pause, left space for Ash. He took some loud, deep breaths over the line, he took his time.
“I was going through my contacts and I didn’t think anyone else would answer. I’ve pissed off everyone, Colt, I’ve really fucked up…”
“Don’t worry, everyone fucks up at some point,” Colt answered. April smiled sadly. “What’s up?” Colt continued.
“This is my phone call... I don’t know what to do now...”
“Where are you Ash?”
“Police station.”
“My uncle... he’s pressing charges... I explained I borrowed the car but he’s called it in as stolen, I’ve been arrested for grand theft auto-”
“Fuck.” Colt bit his lip.
“I… my parents already messaged saying not to call, or come back... they said they don’t have a son anymore...”
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Colt muttered.
“What mother could do that?” April hissed.
“Sorry, is that April? Are you busy, or-” Ash said.
Colt focused back on his phone. “We’re in the hospital-”
“Shit, are you okay?” Concern caused Ash’s voice to shake down the line.
Colt rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, April is... we crashed the car... Ash, I’m sorry-”
“Fuck the car, you both hurt?”
“Nah, we’ll be fine, April... she’s in overnight but we’re okay,” Colt said, putting his hand on the top of April’s head. She smiled gently back at him. He didn’t want to tell Ash about the baby, that was between the two of them, Colt and April, not for anyone else to share with them.
“I’m sorry.” It sounded like Ash sniffed. “I shouldn’t have called…”
Colt shook his head, even though he was on the phone so Ash wouldn’t see it. “No, you should have, I’m glad you did... April, too-”
“Yes, Ash, we’re happy you called us,” April said, leaning forward a little so her voice traveled clearly to the phone in Colt’s hand. He appreciated how April was still ready to help, open to give her emotions to others, despite being in need herself.
A big sigh from the other end of the line filled the room. “I got no one else. Yours was the only number I had left...” Ash’s voice got quieter.
Colt looked at April and she looked back. He knew what he had to do. He wanted to do it. This was that missing piece in the puzzle. It fit now. He wasn’t doing this just so he could be Prez again. He wasn’t doing it just for April and him, so they’d get off any criminal charges. He sure as hell wasn’t doing it for the cocky police Sergeant, or the ambitious mayor, or for Blue and his grandiose plans to hunt down bigger bad guys. He would do it for the brothers. For the guys, like Ash, who had no one else. Who had been dealt a bad card, or had made a mistake, and were now paying for it with more than they could afford. For those who had no one else left, no other person in their life who’d take that call for help, who’d lend a hand, who’d be there for them if only to lend an ear. That’s what it had been about for him from the start. Family, a home, when he had none. A hot meal and a roof over his head, a physical place to go. People to give him a smile or a hug, or a punch in the nuts when he fucked up or stepped out of line. Someone to fight his fights with him, to stand shoulder to shoulder with and defy the odds. Flip a middle finger up to fate, who’d dealt the shitty hand in the first place. To rage against the forces trying to put them down, keep them down. To the people who’d forsaken them. To society who wouldn’t help a stranger. To the status quo that helped the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. It was about a place, a family, a haven. A club of brothers. Who did their own thing, and stood by each other. Who lived for each other, rode together, died together. Loved together, shared together.
That was what the MC had always been for Colt. He knew Blue had led the way for him. He could do this for Ash, too. It was a survival instinct kicking in. But not for himself, not for his sorry ass hide. For his fellow man. He’d felt it as soon as he’d seen Ash being bullied by his uncle. He’d felt it when fucking Cleaver and the others of the old MC had just left Skunk to suffer alone. Colt wanted to welcome, provide a safe space and protect. Create a family. Set things right. Give second chances. Forgive, forget, move forward. Live life on their own terms, saying fuck you fate, I’ve got a team of brothers battling on my side now. And we are going to rage and kick and bite and fight against whatever shitty path you put me on. I’m finding my own path with my new family at my back, so fuck you.
That’s what the MC life was all about. That’s what the Black Coyotes were to Colt. And he wanted that for Ash and others, too. Going forward, together, farther than the cards they were dealt had intended to get them. Further than they ever could have alone.
April saw it in him, she had a look of recognition, of understanding, on her face. In her eyes, he saw pride at the choice she had seen he’d already made.
Colt cleared his throat. “Ash, this phone call is meant to be to your lawyer-”