Page 83 of The Chase

“Right, right, I know, I didn’t know who to call-”

“It’s okay. You were right to call me, Ash. This is what we are going to do... We’re going to get you a fucking good lawyer... You may do time, Ash, prepare yourself for that but we’ll get you out as soon as we can.”

“We? You and April? I can’t ask you to do-”

“No, we, as in the MC, my MC.” Colt fixed his gaze on April. April nodded. That was all it took. Colt’s soul soared.

Ash’s voice shook again. “Your MC? Like... motorcycle club...”


Ash paused for a moment. “You’re a member of a motorcycle club?” he asked, his voice rising at the end with incredulity.

“I’m the Prez,” Colt said, and couldn’t help smirking like that fucking police Sergeant.

Colt heard Ash take a breath. He thought he could almost hear Ash’s heart beat. That was what it meant. The life affirming realization that you aren’t alone. Colt was giving that to someone else, and it felt good. Colt felt a warm hand squeezing his. April’s. Though she was hurting, she still offered comfort to him. His heart slapped its own beat. That felt life affirming for Colt. He wasn’t alone. She wasn’t alone. Ash wouldn’t be alone. And any other fucker who stumbled upon hard times and crossed Colt’s path in life, they wouldn’t be alone, either.

“What’s the MC called?” Ash asked breathlessly.

Colt felt adrenaline creep into his veins. like sinking into a warm bath at the end of a cold walk. Like putting the cherry on top of a cake you’ve just drenched in homemade icing. Like finishing the thing you’ve worked your whole life for. Except really this was just the beginning. “The Black Coyotes MC.”

“Fuck... this is…” Ash’s voice cracked. “This is a dream come true...”

“You want in?”


“They’ll be a leather cut with your name on it waiting for you.”

“I... yes! Hell fucking yes!” Ash yelped. Colt chuckled. Actually fucking chuckled at this kid’s reaction. “Black Coyotes will get you out, kid, we’ll put our lawyer on it-”

“Can I tell people I’m a member?”

“Here’s the thing... you might hear shit about the MC, some of it might not be true. Some of it might be... the old Prez was a dickwad and did bad shit…and we do things a bit differently to other MCs…but yes, you’re part of the family, Ash, part of our family.” Colt gazed at April, she smiled and nodded.

She silently mouthed back to Colt. “Our family.” She gripped his hand. She was excited. Fuck she was perfect.

“I’m a member of a MC? The Black Coyotes MC,” he said it like he was trying it on for size.

Colt smiled. “You’d normally have to prospect for a year... do the shit jobs before you could call yourself that-”

“Could I stay with you, when I come out… is there a place?”

“Clubhouse? Sure,” Colt said breezily. April’s eyebrows rose. Colt swallowed. “I mean, it’s a fixer upper but we’re working on it, you can have your own room…”

“Yes, man! Just fucking yes... I can’t tell you how much this means to me,” Ash said, elation in his voice.

April stifled a smile. Colt winked at her. “Good. Then leave it with your MC, give me your details, where you’re at, and I’ll get our lawyer to get in touch...”

After Colt hung up, April took a breath. “Got a clubhouse? Jeez, you have the confidence of a champion, I’ll give you that... the clubhouse we just blew up?”

“Nah. I’m more ambitious. The Creekdale Hotel,” he said, looking up at her gaze, checking for approval.

She burst out laughing. He kept a straight face.

She raised her eyebrows when she noticed. “You’re not joking,” she spluttered.

“Nope. Gonna buy it. Perfect clubhouse for a modern, expanding MC. It would need a hell of a lot of work, we’ll take the penthouse suite… there’ll be a bar downstairs… it’s got a pool…we can dig up the golf course and plant your vegetable patch…”