Page 23 of The Chase

He then pinched her clit, his fingers becoming rougher. Not teasing, but pushing, driving. He couldn’t find the strength to hold back.

“What do you want, April?” he asked, roughly rubbing her.

She let out a strangled cry. “I want-”

“Tell me you don’t want this.” He almost wanted her to say it. To pull him back. “Tell me to stop.”

“Don’t stop, I want you, I want this-” she whispered breathily, her eyelids fluttering. Fuck, he thought. He had to stop, he had to stop. Cherish her. Treasure her.

“Once I take you over the edge Kitten, there’s no coming back. No one else will be able to give it to you like I will.”

“Please, I want it.”

“Yes you do, but I won’t give it to you yet.” He pulled his fingers away. Everything was screaming now, his ears deafened by the noise in his head. Her cotton briefs snapped back wetly.

She yelped with anguish. “I was almost-”

“I know,” he said with ragged desperation. He didn’t want to give it to her like this. She deserved better. He couldn’t give it to her like this. His body was hot, his balls felt like they would explode, his hard dick rubbed on the inside of his jeans painfully. Her whispering those words while his fingers felt her hot, wet slit… that was something he would treasure to the end of his days.

“Colt, wait, please...”

“Begging me now, Kitten? I thought that wasn’t your style.” He had to hide behind his bravado, hide behind the pretence of teasing her like a cocky biker Prez would.

She cried out in frustration, reaching down to touch herself.

He caught her wrist. “Good things come to those who wait. Believe me, I’ll be good. I’ll be the best you’ve ever had. Just wait.”

He couldn’t resist a final touch. He licked her fingers and guided her wrist down, his hand covering hers, his hand guiding hers under her briefs. He caught one of her fingers with his and pushed it into herself. She felt how wet she was, she closed her eyes and purred.

“I’ll be so good you’ll never be satisfied with anyone else,” he whispered, already out of his mind with how much he wanted her. He had to stop talking before he said anything else he’d regret.

“We need to talk… about what happened yesterday…” she slurred.

It broke the spell. Enough now, he told himself. Colt removed both of their fingers from her warm, wet slit. He sighed and removed her hand completely from inside her jeans. He didn’t want to talk, he just wanted to feel. To fuck. To ravish and devour her until he was spent.But he knew he couldn’t.

He backed away. “I gotta shower.”

After showering, they both wordlessly climbed into the van and drove off in stony silence.

She was sulking. She couldn’t believe he’d pulled back. April always got what she wanted. In her life, if she saw something she wanted, she’d get it. She worked hard to get where she was in life. The good corporate job with the big salary that meant she could have the great condo with the shiny car. The friends and the things she’d do with those friends. Cocktail evenings, brunches, fancy restaurants, nice clothes and shoes. She saw it, she wanted it, she got it. Simple as that. Until now.

She wanted Colt. Their first time was too rushed and crazy, she wanted more. Was he teasing her? She hadn’t thought he’d have the willpower to resist. To deny her. When she’d looked at him, her mouth had watered, she hadn’t considered that he’d turn her down.

This morning she had gained some clarity. If this man was somehow a trusted associate of her father, then he couldn’t be bad. He could be trusted. He wasn’t the bad guy she had painted him as when she’d first met him. And, despite everything, she couldn’t not feel that heat. There was something about him that brought her to life. Something almost primeval. Wrapped up in a rough exterior, with a dash of hot-headed impulsiveness, and a hint at some inner uncertainty in himself, he’d shown her nothing but kindness. She could trust him enough to get her the hell away from this MC debacle. She could trust him enough to be her lover, if it could be described as that. But she wanted to trust him with more. He was undeniably very attractive but it wasn’t just that. It was something more, something else that animated him. Determination. Survival instinct. A thirst for more. A desire to chase after what he wanted, to catch it, to own it. She recognized it there in him.

She wanted to trust him to give her something she hadn’t had before. To let herself go completely, to breathe life back into her, to relinquish control, and just free-wheel for a bit. Coast. She wanted to trust him to take the reins.

She took in a deep breath and expelled it, gazing without actually seeing the scenery passing by. Her eyes weren’t focused on anything in particular. It wasn’t exactly comfortable silence. She could sense his unease. His eyes flicked to the rear-view mirror often. He didn’t seem to relax into the car seat, he was uptight. Hand resting on the gearstick even though he wouldn’t be needing it for a while. Not resting, hovering. Tapping occasionally. They had been driving most of the morning like this. Neither of them talking. Neither of them mentioning what happened earlier. Or what didn’t happen.

April felt she had to break the ice. “Sorry I can’t drive stick shift.”

He turned with a flick of his head to her, but didn’t take his eyes off the road. “It’s okay,” he muttered.

She held her breath but he didn’t say anything else. She bit the inside of her cheek. “So, are we going to stop for lunch soon?”

“Uh huh,” he murmured back.

This was not going how she’d intended. “Colt, are you okay?” she asked.