Page 24 of The Chase

He huffed. “I’m gagging for a smoke, my back is sore after sleeping on that mattress-”

“That mattress is pretty expensive memory foam. You’re probably stiff still after the all night bike ride and now driving again… and the fucking, which we still haven’t talked about, by the way-” April paused and shot him a glance, leaving space for him to interject.

Colt only pursed his lips in response.

“And it doesn’t help that you have nicotine withdrawal... maybe you could use this time to cut down on your smoking?” she suggested, trying to sound optimistic.

“Nope, ain’t going to happen,” came his surly response.

She rolled her eyes. “It’s incredibly unappealing, you know, in a sexual partner.” She peeked at him from the side of her eye. “... Like kissing an ashtray.”

“You regretting it already?” he asked, jutting his jaw out. She breathed out, finally, they were actually talking about it. For a man that exuded confidence, he seemed to doubt himself. Think the worst.

She frowned. “I only regret that you didn’t follow through this morning. I wanted round two,” she said, almost challenging him to come up with another excuse.

He blew out a breath. “April I... fuck, I fucked up, okay? I completely lost control last night and that wasn’t fucking cool-”


“I damn near forced myself on you, I was too rough, probably hurt you…”

She held up her hand to stop him. “No, you didn’t hurt me, I wanted it Colt, I wanted you. I loved it that you lost control like that with me. Colt.”

His eyes flicked to her quickly, then back to the road. “A bit of a change of pace from College Douche?” He visibly relaxed. He let a slight smile spread onto his face.

April threw her head back against the headrest. “Ha, a whole different ball game.” She laughed.

Colt smirked now. “More where that came from.”

She glanced sideways at him and their gazes met briefly. The seed had been planted now, for connection. Companionship. For more. She felt like before it had been a dry desert between them. Hot but barren. And now the rains had begun, a gentle patter for now. Making a difference already though. Softening the dry earth, moistening the air. Providing conditions for things to grow, to flourish. She felt a change. A softening. The life she had led was a buzzing, angry, hot mess, and now things were calmer. Now that they were talking, she wanted to continue. “Colt, did you really follow me, all those years ago?”

He smiled hesitantly. “I was tasked with guarding you... Blue said it was about ensuring you weren’t kidnapped... the MC had a few enemies... enemies in powerful places, they could have hurt you... to get back at Blue and the MC. You could have been a negotiating tool... it was important for the club that I kept you safe... I mean, that you were kept safe, and I was tasked with doing that...’’ He was murmuring now, reluctant to expose himself, but wanting to hear more of her thoughts, wanting to hear her laugh again.

He saw she was smiling. He shifted in his seat, he felt lighter. She was happy, she was okay with what had gone down between them. Even if he still had mixed feelings about it, he was happy she was happy.

She pursed her lips, amused. “Did you come to spring break?”

“Which time, Mexico or Florida?”

“You came to both?”

“Mexico, you and your girlfriends decided to go to some dive of a bar where a total douchebag decided to spike your drinks and your friend, the curvy one-”


“She puked and passed out and none of you could pick her up and you were all wasted. You’d lost your phone -”

“Oh my God, you were there! This local teenager helped carry Elaine back… oh… that was you?"

He raised his eyebrows in response.

“You came out to Mexico… to protect me?”

“Got my passport ‘specially for that,” he mumbled. “Came in handy for when you did that summer in Costa Rica-”

“The turtle sanctuary? You came there, too?” she squawked with disbelief.

“Yeah, I didn’t hang around the sanctuary, that was boring as fuck, I stayed in the town-”