Page 26 of Let It Snow

She nodded enthusiastically. “I have snow in places it was never, ever meant to be in.”

I couldn’t help laughing as I unlocked the door. Jenna looked ecstatic and instantly relieve as the keycode worked on the first try and we were back inside, out of the cold. I’d never been so happy to step into a warm house. Somehow, I’d gotten used to the chilling cold while outside, but now that we were in…I didn’t feel like stepping back out anytime soon.

“Have to say, your snowball skills are impressive.”

“I told you I had a brother,” she said breathlessly, her eyes bright and laughing as she looked up at me, pulling her snow-covered beanie off her head.

“Hot shower?” I offered.

“Showers.” She met my gaze. “Plural. Separate.”

I laughed. “I was just thinking quickest way to warm up. Though there is the sauna.” I had fond memories of the sauna.

“Shower works for me.”

I nodded. Worked for me too, although I had to admit I wouldn’t have minded if she’d been joining me for either…

We left our wet gear to dry out and went our separate ways towards our rooms.

I stripped my damp t-shirt off over my head as soon as I crossed the threshold into my luxurious bathroom and tossed it on the counter, heading to the massive shower and turning it on full blast, letting the room fill with steam as I finished stripping down. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and stopped, leaning forward. My nose and cheeks were still rosy pink from the cold, but there was a distinct happiness there that I had to admit had been lacking for quite a while.

All because of that crazy little snowball fight…

Or actually more like…all because of the beautiful woman down the hall.

I wanted to do something different, something to surprise her. She kept surprising me at every turn, from the moment she’d recognized me to the snowball fight just now—I wanted to reciprocate.

Jenna had already settled in the living room when I got out, back in her plaid lounge pants and a tee, the fireplace roaring with life. She must have had shampoo and body wash hidden away in that bag of hers, too, since the smell of candy canes intensified with each step I took towards her.

She looked at me in amusement. “Took a little long, didn’t you?”

I stepped over her legs and sat down beside her. “Phone had to charge. Needed to text a few people back.” I’d done a lot of thinking in the steam of the shower jets and decided to treat us to something special. I’d gone through the house directory and found the perfect thing then spent twenty minutes texting back and forth to put things in motion for my surprise.

“Ah…” She smiled, her face relaxed and content, something I was happy to see. Which had been my secret little ulterior motive for the trek outside.

The time outside had done her good. A brief reprieve from worrying about having to be anywhere or when the snow would clear.

I glanced out the window, then checked the time on my phone. It wouldn’t be too long now—I’d asked for their first available appointment and offered to pay for whatever arrangements they needed to make it there.

Jenna picked up a bowl of popcorn from the table. “Sorry, I got hungry.” She smiled sheepishly as she held it out towards me.

I leaned forward, scooping a handful out. “No worries. Good choice.”

“I thought so.”

She looked amused as I popped the salty popcorn into my mouth. I’d caught her watching me, little looks that had me thinking maybe, just maybe, there was something brewing between us.

I hoped it wasn’t just wishful thinking…because the feeling was definitely mutual.

Jenna was beautiful and funny…and just purely herself, which I liked.

Loved, even.

Someone being truly themselves around me was such a rare thing.

I definitely wanted to see where this…whatever it was brewing between us would lead.

We sat hanging out on the couch, going through a second bowl of popcorn as our lunch. I’d accessed the music system and put on a random Christmas playlist, the festive music now flooding the house. I turned the overhead lights lower and handed her the app to play with the Christmas lights. She set the lights to morph from red to green, a look of satisfied amusement on her face.