Page 27 of Let It Snow

I smiled and settled back against the couch as we talked. It was so easy to talk to her, about anything and everything. Something I didn’t have that often with anyone else…and something I definitely didn’t have with my ex.

She went and refilled the popcorn bowl and I started going through the drawers on the nearby side table. I pulled out a deck of cards and set them on the coffee table.

She came back with a couple sodas and the popcorn, handing me a drink and glancing at the cards. “Wanna play?”

“Why not?”

A few games later, I could hear the low rumble of engines pierce the silence outside, then fall silent.

Jenna put down her cards, looking quizzically towards the window then back at me. “Did you hear something?”

“Might have.” I headed to the window. Outside were two glistening snowmobiles, the drivers slowly climbing off into the thick snow blanketing everything. Jenna’s vehicle was now just a giant white bump on the driveway.

I checked my watch—right on time. How perfect was that?

I smelled peppermint body wash a second before she appeared beside me, her gaze locked on me then out the window.

“What’s going on? Who are they?” she looked confused.

“You’ll see.” I tapped her nose with a smile and hurried down the stairs to the front door. I had the front door open as the two women walked up the walkway, a duffel bag over the first woman’s shoulder. “Dean?”

“Yeah. Welcome, come on in. I’ve got coffee on.”

“Sounds great, then just show us where you want us to set up.”

I caught Jenna’s confused look as they both came in, shook off the snow, and hung up their coats They slipped off their boots, and I waved them in the direction of the kitchen, waiting ’til they’d passed then leaned close to Jenna. “Massages.”


“You don’t think we need something after that snowball fight?”

She laughed, her eyes crinkling. “Are you serious?”

“There is always the sauna, which I’m not negating as an option for later, a little before bed relaxation…but it was listed in the house guidebook, and they were available, so, here we are.”

“Here we are,” she echoed.

“Let’s enjoy ourselves, shall we?” I motioned her ahead of me. “Just because we’re stranded in a big way doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves”

“Who said I wasn’t having enjoying myself?” She walked ahead of me, leaving me smiling in her wake, watching her hurry in the direction of the masseuses.

Jenna looked relaxed and happy as she walked out of the downstairs bathroom almost two hours later, tying the fluffy robe around her. She locked eyes with me. “Why did you do that?”

“I thought we needed something,” I said with a shrug. I’d walked the masseuses back upstairs, taken a couple of selfies, and signed a couple autographs, before wishing them a Merry Christmas and helping take the duffel bag down to the snowmobiles. I still had a few melting snowflakes on my lashes clinging on for dear life.

“Well, it was a wonderful idea.”


I looked towards the wine room. I’d only taken a quick cursory look through it once before, but it was time for a real investigation.

“You thirsty?” I could use something to help keep the relaxation around a little longer. Every time my phone rang or a message came through, I felt myself getting amped up again.

“A little.”

“How about some wine?”

“Are you sure?” She walked inside the wine room with me, letting out a low whistle. Wine bottles were everywhere, hung neatly in what seemed like never-ending rows, on every space of the walls. “I don’t know.” She looked around hesitantly. “I’m good with what’s upstairs.”