“This is just what I needed,” I admit, realizing we’ve been gone for nearly four hours.

“Oh, the day isn’t over yet.”

I tilt my head at him. “What does that mean?”

He shrugs. “You’ll see, Princess. You’ll see.”


“You’re really not going to tell me?” She pretends to pout, and I shake my head.

“No, and that sad face won’t work this time,” I say. Viola knows I’m weak for her and has me wrapped around her little finger. But I refuse to let her ruin what I have planned. If it were up to her, I’d ruin all the surprises I planned for her.

I take the long way back to the lake house. The leaves are changing, and the view is stunning.

“Where are we going now?” Viola finally asks.

“Back to the lake house,” I tell her, knowing I’ve stalled long enough.

She’s confused when we park. “You took the long way to bring me back home?”

“I love that you’re already calling this place home.”

When we get out of the car, I pull her into my arms and place a kiss on her forehead. She pulls away and smirks. “Just wait until I get you inside.”

This has me chuckling. “Oh really?”

She leads me up the steps, and I unlock the door.

“Yeah, just you wait,” she says when we walk inside.

“Now, what were you saying?” I bite the corner of my lip, and she growls just as all of our friends and family jump out and shouts, “Surprise!”

Viola didn’t even have time to notice the entire place was decorated.

Her eyes go wide, and she breaks out into a fit of giggles.

“A surprise party?” She turns to me just as her parents walk up and hug us.

“Happy Anniversary, kiddos,” her mother says with a big grin. Mr. Fisher kisses Viola’s cheek and tells us congratulations.

Courtney squeezes between the triplets, then walks up and hugs her next. “You know I love any excuse to plan an event. I think it’s in my genes.”

I laugh because I’ve hung out with her massive family on several occasions over the years. The Bishops sure know how to throw a party.

Courtney wraps her arms around Viola and squeezes her. “When Travis suggested it, I was like onboard before he could even ask for my help! Plus, fifteen years of putting up with him deserved a big bash.”

“Excuse me.” I scowl, but Courtney only laughs at me.

Drew shakes his head at his wife, then grins at me. “It’s kinda our anniversary too.”

Courtney’s face reddens as she widens her eyes at Drew.

“Oh my gosh, you’re right.” Viola giggles.

“Huh?” I say with confusion.

“Their first time together was the night of our wedding. Guess both of you got lucky that night,” Viola responds.