“Happy fifteen years of getting laid, man,” I taunt, slapping his shoulder.

Viola snorts, turning her attention to Kayla and Logan, who comes over.

“I’m so glad you could make it,” I tell them as Kayla hugs me.

“Congrats, you two!” Kayla says. “Skylar sends her love, and the kids are with Logan’s mom.”

Skylar’s away at college right now since the semester just started last month.

Logan speaks up. “I didn’t know if I was going to be able to get off work, but I insisted I had a family event. They couldn’t say no.”

Drew nods. “Yeah, I said the same thing. I think the entire department knew what we were doing, though.”

I see TJ is annoying James, so I walk over to them. I look at TJ first. “Go hang out with the triplets.”

Delaney, Anderson, and Creevey are younger than TJ, but he doesn’t seem to mind hanging out with them.

James gives me an unamused look as TJ walks away.

“What’s goin’ on?” I ask, noticing an annoyed look on his face.

“Where are all the girls?” he says as I make my way back to the living room where everyone’s sitting.

I laugh with amusement. Every time I look at him, I see bits of my younger self.

“Girls will get you in trouble,” I remind him, and he shakes me off.

“Aunt Courtney said there were going to be girls heremyage.”

“I did, and your sister and Delaney are right there, so it’s not technically a lie,” she says, overhearing us. “I would’ve saidanythingto get you off your phone.”

He scoffs and walks toward the boys instead.

“Teenagers are nightmares,” I mumble.

“If we survive the next five years full of all these attitudes, it’ll be a miracle,” Viola adds.

TJ’s busy chatting with Anderson about a game on his iPhone. Creevey stands behind them like he’s their manager. It’s funny to see our kids interact with one another in the same ways we did growing up.

“I think it’s time for a toast,” Kayla says.

Logan and Drew pass out champagne glasses while I pop the cork. Ginny tries to sneak a drink, and I quickly shake my head at her.

“Mom said I could,” she insists.

“Really? So I can ask her to verify?”

She huffs. I’ve been caught in the middle of that game way too many times. “No drinking until you’re forty.”

“If I listened to everything you said, I’d literally die an old woman before I had any fun!” She’s whining, and it takes everything I have not to laugh.

“That’s right. No partying, no boyfriends, and no alcohol until you’re fifty.”

She rolls her eyes so hard, I’m surprised they don’t fall right out. “You’re embarrassing.”

Viola stands beside me, and all it takes is one stern look before Ginny straightens up.

“To the happy couple,” Kayla says, holding up her glass, and we all toast.