Page 59 of My Lucky Charm

“I told her she was only with me because I was a rider. That she pushed me to do it just so she could be in the spotlight. Like she was Gigi. She’s nothing like her though. Hannah is the complete opposite of what Gigi was. Something in me just knew eventually she was going to leave Lilly so I pushed her out.”

The baby started to stir in my arms, opening his mouth and turning his head. I had been through this when Molly when they first got to the farm and again when Jeremy was born. Handing the baby back I turned away so she could start feeding him and cover herself up. Not that she needed to, feeding a baby was natural, I just didn’t need to see my sister-in-law exposed like that.

“Did I tell you I found photos of Kelly? They had a kid. He has my name, we’ll sort of, it’s his middle name. I couldn’t stand knowing she used my name like that. That one day of things kept going with Hannah, I might have to face them. I can’t do that.”

“Bryce, did you ever stop to think you could have told Hannah any of this? Actually, let her into that part of your life that you hide away. I know you don’t like showing the bad pieces of yourself but guess what? If she loves you, which I think she does, she would accept you all the same.”

“No. I screwed up too badly this time. The doctors said I’ll make a full recovery, that I could ride again. Not that I want to.”

“My heart and well-being thank you for that decision but why would you stop riding? You’re amazing at it.”

Before I could say anything the door swung open and Hannah was standing there with Devin. She had pulled her hair up into a messy bun. Back at the house she had been dressed for a day on the farm but not anymore. Now she was wearing a pair of leggings and a beat-up t-shirt. Even dressed down she was the most stunning woman I had ever seen. Guilt and regret washed over me. Refusing to let me look at her for more than a second.

“He’s perfect Lilly. I’ll uhh… call Claire and make sure your other two haven’t eaten her out of house and home yet.”

“Bryce, don’t be like I was. Wasted a lot of valuable time.”

I knew what she meant. When Devin came home she spent so much time avoiding him and trying to be perfect for him that she should have come out and told him how she felt. She hid her bad parts so deep down that they could have killed her. All Devin wanted was to help her; make her see how strong she was.

Without another word, I walked from the room. Once I reached the waiting room my brothers all just stared at me. Finally, Evan made eye contact and opened his mouth.

“Sorry for the shit I said. I only half meant it.”

Hunter slapped him in the backside of the head. “Dumbass, that's not an apology.”

“I never agreed that I was making a full apology. I said I’d talk to him.”

As I sunk into one of the waiting room chairs I regretted riding over with Luke. I didn’t have the option of leaving until he did. Hannah came out shortly after I was back in the waiting room and told Evan that Lilly wanted to see him next. As she went over to Luke, she kept her back to me the entire time. Hunter moved across the room, slinging his arm around her shoulder, and pulled her close.

My nails dug into my palms watching my brother have his hands on my girl. Except she wasn’t my girl, not anymore. I made damn sure of that when I poked at one of her biggest insecurities. The room we were in wasn’t that big but they were having a whispered conversation. Without moving closer and being completely obvious I could move to hear them.

Hannah nodded, her hand wiping at her cheek. Then it happened, a moment I didn’t expect. She walked up to me, standing only a few away. The redness of her eyes was hard to ignore.

“I’ll be by tomorrow to get my stuff out of your way. If that’s okay. If not just tell me when.”




If she was asking to come to get her stuff this wasn’t a fight this was over.

“You don’t need to Hannah. I still love you. I’m sorry I was being stupid and immature. Oh, and self-conscious. There is never a time when I actually thought those things about you. You’re beautiful and talented. I think you are the best person in the world. We can fix this can’t we? Start over and let me make up for those horrible things I said to you. Things you never deserved said to you.”

That was what I should have said. Inside I was screaming to fix this. What came out of my mouth did not sound anything like that.

“I’ll be out all day.”

Hunter and Luke both snapped their heads up as I spoke. Neither of them said a word. They didn’t need to, it was written on their faces what a disappointment I was.

She took a step back, her arm wrapping around her torso as her voice lowered. Her eyes trained on her feet as she opened her mouth. “Oh, okay. I’ll just leave my key on the table.”

“Sounds good.” My response made me sound like I was possessed. Why the hell couldn’t I tell her no? Scream that I didn’t want her to leave.

“Goodbye, Bryce.” The smile she was forcing caused her lips to quiver. Her body turned and walked away leaving me alone with my brothers.

Chapter Twenty Seven